Eng. Hussam Saleh, spokesman for Al-Mutahida, confirmed that the public channels CBC, CBC Sofra and CBC Drama have changed their frequency, and the viewer must download the new frequency.
He added in a post on his personal page that changing the frequency is an engineering matter at Nilesat for Egyptian channels, and each group of channels has its role at a specific time.
And to change the new 2021 frequencies, you must follow the following steps through the receiver’s remote control:
Press the Menu button or the menu.
Then choose Options.
Choose Install.
Choose Manual Installation or Manual Installation.
Choose Nilesat / Arabsat from the Saturday menu.
Enter the frequency
Choose Vertical V or Horizontal.
Select Encoding Rate 27500, and then click OK.
Wait for the search to finish and finally save.
Here you will find the frequencies of qunoot that were changed at the beginning of the new year 2021:
The new frequency of the channel cbc 2021
CBC public frequency
Encoding rate: 27500
Frequency: 11785
And the satellite: Nilesat
Ustaqtab: V Amodi
Also your name on the receiver: cbc
Error correction factor: 3/4
Cbc frequency +2 channel
Encoding rate: 27500
Wall: 11488
Satellite: Nilesat
Error correction factor: 34
Polarization: H horizontal.
Also on the receiver is his name: cbc drama + 2
CBC frequency trigger
Encoding rate: 27500
Frequency: 11390
Satellite: nilesat
Polarization: H horizontal.
Error correction factor: 3/4
Also on the receiver is: cbc sofra
Extra cbc channel frequency
Satellite: Nile sat
Frequency: 11390
Encoding rate: 27500
Polarization: H horizontal.
Error correction factor: 3/4
Also on the receiver is its name: cbc extra
The new frequency of the dmc channel
11449 is horizontal
Error correction coefficient: 5/6
Encoding rate: 27500
The new CBC frequency
11785 my head
Encoding rate: 27500
The new frequency of the life channel
12207 vertical
The new frequency of the Al-Nahar channel
11785 my head V
Error correction factor 5/6 and coding rate bias 27500
Channel frequency ON
10853 Horizontal H