Learn about Kahraba’s assessment of Muhammad Ramadan in “Al-Prince” and Hamdi Al-Marghani in “Valentino”


Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba, the player in Al-Ahly’s first soccer team, evaluated the performance of artist Mohamed Ramadan, the hero of the “Al-Prince” series, and evaluated the performance of Hamdi Al-Marghani, who plays the role. of Adel Imam’s sister in the series “Valentino”.

Kahraba posted in his Instagram post a snapshot of Hamdi Al-Marghani with artist Adel Imam, praising his acting and humorous style in the series, while praising Muhammad Ramadan.



Al-Ahly club officials announced their refusal to discuss the idea of ​​Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim Kahraba, the star of the team’s attack, leaving during the upcoming summer transfers, after receiving more than one Saudi offer to leave the club. , especially after his previous successful experience with Etihad.

Al-Ahly’s Planning Committee emphasized that the proposal to leave Kahraba is rejected due to the team’s technical need to exert its efforts, be it in the center of the wing or the direct attacker or the last forward, at that time. The committee believes that Kahraba’s value will increase with the team if Ramadan Sobhi leaves after the end of his loan period and returns to his original club. The Englishman Huddersfield, while looking electrifying that the Swiss technical manager, René Filer, does not consider him one of the main strength players, and that there are a number of players who have priority in participating in the international wing, something that does not comply with the electrification and is seriously considering leaving the castles. Red e.
