Laotaro Martínez is impressive … I don’t know anything about his negotiations with Barcelona.


News right now The | DubaiUAE Arabica United (Mondo Sports)

Confirmed The star Argentinian Lionel Messi Leader Barcelona, In Like Serious With abilities Compatriot Lautaro Martinez aggressor Equipment Bury Milan Italian.

And promises Lautaro Martinez Since Between objectives Principal For the club Catalan Since yes Combine it During Mercato Summer time Next, To succeed The star Uruguayan Luis Suarez to Line Introduction.

And he said Messi to Declarations For the newspaperMondo SportsSpanish TO Your question About flag to Negotiation The club Catalan Since yes To combine Lautaro Martinez: “in order to I’m explicit With you, I am not Of course There Negotiation mother No

Added: “Yes she was Over there Negotiation or occur Negotiation With the right now, It is not I have Which idea. Think That i am mentioned Since before that Lautaro aggressor Exciting Awesome

He continued: “Lautaro Player Integrated Extremely, He is strong And fluid Shuffle, He knows How To protect the ball. But Should We that We see Than it will happen to The end either With the or With The names Others

And she was Reports Journalist Spanish maybe She confirmed that The club Catalan Intensifies Your negotiations to Period Current Since yes Discount Agreement, But No Succeed administration The club to the deal With administration Nerazzurri about The return Physical For the deal Even right now.

Source Image: Getty

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