Kuwait government resigns and Emir assigns him to do business – Erm News


The government of Kuwait resigns and the Emir ...

Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah presented the resignation of his government to the country’s Emir, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, on Tuesday. The news agency said

Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah presented the resignation of his government to the country’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Tuesday.

The Kuwait News Agency said Sheikh Nawwaf expressed his confidence in the government and assigned him to conduct business and prepare for the upcoming legislative elections.

Kuwaiti constitutional expert Dr. Muhammad Al-Maqati said that the resignation of the government was a matter of necessity because a new Emir was taking power, because “ the constitution requires the government to have the trust of His Highness the Emir, and this is the government of the late Emir His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad and not the government of His Highness the new Emir Sheikh Nawa. ”

The sections added that articles 56 and 98 of the Constitution establish that the government obtains the trust of His Highness the new Emir, for which he had to make his resignation available to him, “and His Highness the Prince, if he wanted to accept the resignation and I wanted to renew confidence in her, which has already happened ”.


Political analyst Nasser Al-Abdali said: “The government wanted to close the door to any constitutional loophole.”

He added that this resignation constitutes “a desire of the government to open up wider options for His Highness the Emir to try the best. Constitutionally, the government must resign because it took away his legitimacy from the former Emir, and while the head of state changes, the government must renew his legitimacy.

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Article 56 of the constitution stipulates that “the Emir appoints the prime minister after the traditional consultations and relieves him of his position, and also appoints the ministers and relieves them of their positions based on the appointment of the prime minister.” Although article 98 establishes that “every ministry, at the time of its formation, presents its program to the National Assembly, and the Council has the right to make any observations it deems on this program.”

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