“Kim in a coffin” … the true image of the North Korean leader


10:44 PM

Thursday April 30, 2020


An image that has been widely circulated on social media recently, when North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is said to be lying in a coffin days after rumors of his death spread.

In the photo, the leader remains lying on his back, with his head resting on a cushion and his body covered with a red cap.

Arab media reports revealed that the image is fabricated and unreal, and that Kim’s image matches the photo taken of the Korean leader’s father, Father Kim Jong Il, during his 2011 funeral after he died of an attack. to the heart.

Reports indicated that the image is similar to Kim Jong-il’s father in terms of the angle of the photograph and the way of placing flowers and light, leading to the fact that Kim’s head may have replaced his father, to through the photo editing program.

The image was attributed to both Japan News Network JNN and Hong Kong Satellite TV, although its true origin is unclear.

The image comes amid growing speculation that Kim is very ill or dead, and that the leader has been gone for weeks.

Even today, the news from the Korean leader remains speculation until proven or denied, either by his appearance in person or by an official announcement from the country.

