“Kill the wounded in a matter of days” … The University of Hong Kong warns against exposure to China


07:14 a.m.

Sunday May 10, 2020

Books – Mohamed Safwat:
In a report, the University of Hong Kong warned of a new Chinese epidemic caused by mice, after defeating the new Corona epidemic, according to official data and statistics released by Beijing.

The “Chinadelli” website highlighted the report by the University of Hong Kong, which warns of an epidemic that affects the liver and kills the victim in a few days, noting that it is not a new disease, but has evolved and has become more fierce and deadly with those affected.

The University of Hong Kong had warned of a mutation in hepatitis disease after the death of a 56-year-old citizen last week, and doctors’ research had shown the relationship of mice to the disease and its deadly impact on humans.

The deceased underwent a liver transplant, and liver function showed abnormal activity for no apparent reason, while tests revealed that his immune system was responding to hepatitis E, but did not find the eye of hepatitis in his blood during screening tests.

Hepatitis E is known to cause fever and an enlarged liver, and it spreads in several animals into four types known to humans, and only one of them affects humans.

According to the university report, the researchers developed the diagnostic test design and revealed the first infection in history with a new type of hepatitis E virus in the deceased, marking the first case of rat disease in the world.

The microbiologist and one of the researchers at the University of Hong Kong who made the discovery, Sadihareth Sridhar, says the discovery is unusual and made us ask many questions.

He added that they have registered 10 new cases of the disease in Hong Kong, the last of which was a man in its sixth decade, which was registered last April 30, warning about the danger of the spread of this virus and that it had infected hundreds without feeling it.

According to the World Health Organization, the known strain that is transmitted from animals to humans is generally transmitted through faecal contamination of drinking water.

The 61-year-old patient had particularly troublesome powers, there were no mice or their droppings at home, no one else had symptoms in his family, and he had no history of recent travel.

“Based on available epidemiological information, it was not possible to determine the source and route of the infection,” the Hong Kong Center for Health Protection said in a statement on April 30.

The patient is still in the hospital, receiving treatment, while the CHP has opened an investigation into these events.

The investigative team and city authorities are trying to better understand this new health threat to take necessary precautions, improve diagnostic tests, and publish data among medical sector teams to report similar cases, and launched a public awareness campaign.

Scientists are testing groups of mice across the city to try to determine if the mice contributed to a pneumonia outbreak in 2003.

They are trying to find out the incubation period of the new disease and how it is transmitted to humans.
