Khaled Khairy: The phrases I comment on hand matches are spontaneous and I encourage this club


Handball sportscaster Khaled Khairy confirmed that he does not assist camels and idols who comment on handball matches in any tournaments, but he is spontaneous and spontaneous.

Khaled Khairy said, during his interview with journalist Ahmed Schubert on the “Ontime Stadium” program broadcast by On Time Sports: “I lived in difficult circumstances due to my mother’s illness before the World Cup, and I was afraid I would not have to. I attended the tournament well and I was worried because the tournament in Egypt was exclusive to our channels. “

Added Khaled Khairy: “Egypt’s obtaining the exclusive rights to the tournament doubled my responsibility as a commentator, and commenting on this tournament was different despite my comment on previous World Cup tournaments for other channels.”

Khaled Khairy continued: “My commentary career at the 1999 World Cup and we also got 7th place. I started my career with handball at Al Nasr Club and encouraged club El Sekka El Hadid, and I used to play goalkeeper and me I moved from Al Nasr to the railroad, and also played in Al Zuhoor and retired at the age of 30.

Khaled Khairy explained: “The phrases with which I comment the matches are spontaneous and without prior preparation, and I called Hussein Zaki the ‘Flying Concorde’ in his early days.”

Khaled Khairy added: “Mohamed Sanad’s penalty is no less important than Mohamed Salah’s penalty, which we went up to the World Cup despite the difference between the two games and the popularity between them.”

He concluded his words: “The most important moments of the tournament were in the match between Egypt and Slovenia, because defeating the national team in this match meant leaving the tournament, but when we tied I told them, bye, Slovenia, we are in the quarterfinals” .
