“Kahraba”: “I used to say to Murtaza Mansour, oh Papa.”


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Mahmoud Kahraba, the current Al-Ahly and former player of Zamalek, revealed the details of his relationship with councilor Mortada Mansour, former president of Zamalek, and behind the scenes of his confrontation with him in front of the cameras.

Kahraba said, during his stay as a guest of journalist Saif Zahir on the channel “On Time Sports”, that he had many problems with the former president of Zamalek, explaining: “My problem was all with him is that he remains standing and the players are all with some of the cameras present and speaking of any need, I mean my name should repeat it in any need, even though I didn’t enter it alone, I used to do what I myself in it

“Kahraba” confirmed that he was actually calling “Mansour” “Oh Baba”, adding that his relationship with him was good, noting: “He used to help us. In many games we won the next day, the reward, so instead of us, for example, we take two to say because I am dangerous. Leave it Ten, in the face of all failures, correct, ten salvation, especially last year. “

He added that the reason for the tense relationship between him and Mortada Mansour is that “whoever was around him was horny with me and I couldn’t bear it. For example, no one would say that you are not good, nor are you like that. My age does not. will accept, no matter whose it is. “

Too many problems with the club president, all my problem was with him standing up and the whole player with some of the cameras was present and talking about any need, which meant that my name had to be repeated in any need though I didn’t go in alone, he used to do what I myself in him.

Regarding whether he was really calling counselor Mortada Mansour “Oh Baba,” Kahraba replied, “Of course, I always need to say what is in my heart on my tongue. My life is not my life. He would help us. In many games we win the next day, the reward is supposed to be “. For example, instead of taking two, I say it because I am dangerous, make it ten, in front of all the missteps, complete, ten salvation, especially last year ”.

“My relationship with him was good, but the problem was that someone around him was going crazy with me and I could not bear it. For example, no one would say that you are not good or you are like that. My age will not accept this, no matter who be it. “

Regarding the shot of his confrontation with Mortada before Al-Ahly’s game in front of the cameras, the player narrated behind the scenes, saying, “He was the old player who had four cameras. He was once standing and talking, and I was standing until Captain Abdul Wahid was standing next to me. ” Someone in the party insulted you with your mother and said: I don’t know if you are talking to me or if your door is insulting you. I realize that you are trying to get up and you are miserable and you do what you need, so I told him, after leave, that this is what you do for my father and mother. My father and mother are the most important and I don’t want them to know about me. “

And he added: “The important thing is that I told him: you will come to me, then I told him that I will leave you and such and such, because honestly I found what was left and cursed rigidly, that is, I entered the room. I took a shower, a dress, and my shoes and my necessities, and found it outside. From my hand I said, I am with you, look, I want to send myself where I want to say, because when I settled in from Idia, the phone came out, I spoke with my father so that he would allow me everything while I was walking. And I told him: “You are not mad at me. You are like my father, no problem, and the coach and the player left for a moment.”

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