Judicial sources: 25 complaints to the prosecution pending the lifting of Murtaza Mansour’s immunity


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Judicial sources revealed that there are more than 25 complaints held by the Public Ministry against Mortada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club and former candidate for the House of Representatives.

The sources explained that there are several scenarios to attend to these reports, among them, that the Public Ministry addresses the President of Parliament to lift Mortada’s immunity or that it investigates directly after the date of January 9, which is the date set for the lifting of his immunity, according to article 106 of the Constitution.

Sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm that communications against Murtado, which were filed by a large number of personalities in the last five years, are limited to wasting money and insulting public and sports figures, and have not been investigated due to to Mansour’s parliamentary immunity.

Kamal Shuaib, lawyer for Mamdouh Abbas, former president of the Zamalek Club, said that after the subcommittee, in the eighth district, located at the Mit Ghamr Center in Dakahlia, announced the result and Mortada Mansour won the sixth place among the candidates of the district, presented, last Monday, a new communication to the deputy. General against Murtaza Mansour, demanding a travel ban and confiscating his money.

Shuaib added to Al-Masry Al-Youm that other communication notes are being prepared including the violations committed by “Mansour”, demanding that he be prohibited from traveling and not having his money. Documents of financial violations against Murtado will be attached to the report.

Shuaib added that the Prosecutor’s Office has the right to turn to Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal, Speaker of Parliament, to lift Murta’s immunity and start the investigation with him, or to wait until January 9, when his parliamentary immunity ends.

It is noteworthy that, last August, lawyer Samir Sabry filed a complaint with the Attorney General against Mortada Mansour, accusing him of expelling the Minister of Youth and Sports at the inauguration ceremony of new facilities and gyms at the White Club.

Among the complaints filed against the president of the Zamalek club is a report that insults the Egyptian people, by publishing a video containing insults to the Egyptian people and swearing by divorce that “there is no man in Egypt.”

Mortada also faces a complaint filed by Muhammad Othman, the former legal adviser of the Al-Ahly club, to the Public Ministry, for insulting and defaming him for being the legal adviser of the Al-Ahmar club, scratching his reputation and challenging his offer, without evidence.

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