It’s a nightmare … Bill Gates surprises the world with disappointing expectations for Corona


Despite its surprising and surprising expectations in 2015, that “what could kill 10 million people is a highly contagious deadly virus, not war,” which sparked speculation about whether software giant “Bill Gates” was related. with the spread of the Corona virus.

But the famous billionaire raised the controversy again today with his disappointing expectations about the end of the Corona virus, saying that “it is still too early to discover a vaccine to treat the virus, as it generally takes 5 years to discover a vaccine to demonstrate its effectiveness in animal testing before humans. “

Gates sees the cofounder of technology giant «Microsoft» in an interview with the American network NBC in his talk about the “first modern epidemic” when he called Corona that the virus “a nightmare” will determine the era and we will suffer its effects for years .

He said, “I wish I could say we’re halfway there … but I don’t think so.” From his point of view, the United States is still far from producing a vaccine to treat the emerging coronavirus, and this could take years.

Gates stressed that he hopes the treatment will come sooner rather than later, as he sees hope for the correct vaccine within the possible timetable announced for the government from 18 to 24 months.
