It’s a new day in america


US President-elect Joe Biden tweeted on Twitter on Wednesday, just before his inauguration ceremony as US President, saying, “It’s a new day in America.”

After his inauguration, Biden signed a series of new decrees and the first decision he signed was related to the reduction of Corona.

And US media reported earlier on Wednesday that President-elect Biden will issue 17 presidential orders, starting today, to reverse the measures taken by President Donald Trump, following his official inauguration as the 46th president of the United States. United States of America, according to his advisers.

Media said Biden will cancel the US withdrawal from the WHO and promise the US return to the Paris climate accord.

Biden will also cancel Trump’s decree that prohibits citizens of Muslim countries from traveling to the United States.

It will suspend construction work on a wall on the Mexican border and will finance it with a Pentagon budget, an issue that in the last four years has unleashed intense political and judicial battles.

Biden is expected to be sworn in at the inauguration ceremony, marking his formal assumption of the reins of power, and the start of his four-year presidential term, to be the 46th president of the United States of America.

Although he finally wished Biden good luck in a video message, President Donald Trump has never congratulated the president-elect – unprecedented in 150 years – and will not attend his inauguration in Washington on Wednesday.

Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton will be in the front line during the next inauguration of the Democratic president at 12:00 local time (17:00 GMT), amid a strong deployment of security forces in the federal capital.

This day will enter the history books of the United States, especially for the arrival of a woman to the position of Vice President for the first time in the history of the world’s greatest power. Kamala Harris, 56, will become the first black woman of Indian descent to hold the position.
