Italian Materazzi reveals the secret of Zidane’s coup 14 years after the incident – Sports – Arabic and international


Former Italy defender Marco Materazzi has revealed the reasons behind the growth of the French national team player and current Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane 14 years ago.

Materazzi confirmed, in statements issued by the Italian newspaper “Semoreiner”, that he had to provoke Zidane, to avoid reprimanding one of his teammates, and said: “I did not want to get another reprimand from my colleague in the Gattuso national team. , under the pretext of not watching Zidane well. ” So I grabbed Zidane’s shirt, who quickly asked me if I wanted the shirt, before answering it in vain sentences, “admitting that it offended the French star’s sister, to end the story with Zidane’s famous Materazzi chest.

It is noteworthy that the match took place during the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany match, and was a reason for France to lose the title, to go to the Italian team after winning the final with a penalty kick (5-3 ), in a match whose original time ended with a positive draw with one goal from each.

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