It happened at night | New plan to combat Corona and conditions for the return of tourism


06:33 am

Monday 04 May 2020

Last night, and even the early hours of Monday morning, we witnessed many important events locally and internationally, the most prominent being:

Military spokesperson: we are working to secure Egyptian borders 24 hours a day

War Colonel Staff Tamer Rifai, spokesman for the armed forces, highlighted the continued efforts of the armed forces to eliminate terrorism and uproot its roots in all strategic directions to provide security for the people of Egypt.
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For the first time … World Health reveals distribution of Corona injuries in Egypt’s provinces

A document prepared by the Office of the World Health Organization in Egypt revealed the distribution of cases of the emerging coronavirus (Covid 19) in the Egyptian provinces until May 1.
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The number of people who recovered from Corona in Abu Qir isolation increased to 153 cases.

The number of people who recovered from the novel Corona virus “Covid-19” at the isolation hospital located in the youth city of Abu Qir on Sunday night increased to 153 people, after 5 new cases were recovered.
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Minister of Tourism: hotels start operating at 50% on June 1st

Dr. Khaled Al-Anani, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, announced that the hotels will operate at 25%, including daily use of the hotel’s total capacity until June 1, provided that the operation begins with a maximum of 50 % of hotel capacity from June 1.

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Crown injuries worldwide exceed 3.5 million cases and more than 246,000 deaths

Confirmed cases of confirmed Corona virus infection worldwide to 3 million and 537 thousand and 85 cases as of Sunday night, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News and Johns Hopkins University.
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“Health” Announces New Strategy for Hospital Fevers and Chest with Corona Patients: “Promising Results Soon”

Khaled Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Health Ministry, said the ministry is implementing a new strategy to introduce hospitals for fever patients and chests to provide all medical services to patients with the emerging coronavirus, from testing to providing treatment and isolation.
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Wedding and shisha parties are prohibited. See the new controls for hotels

Dr. Khaled Al-Anani, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, announced the adoption of a series of residence controls and requirements for hotels for national tourism, in coordination between the ministries of Tourism and Antiquities, and Health and Population, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization.
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Kuwait’s Interior Ministry arrested several offenders at the Egyptian residence after the riots.

Kuwait’s Interior Ministry said the relevant security services have dispelled a revolt carried out by several members of the Egyptian community in violation of the residency law and that they are in the designated shelters for them, asking the Egyptian authorities that they respond to your request to return to your country.
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Demonstrations to open the country. Merkel faces crisis despite Corona’s control

The German federal government faces a difficult test, despite its attempt to control Corona outbreak rates in the country, prompting it to continue closure procedures, despite the relaxation of some restrictions.
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Sky News: Afghan officials search for the bodies of migrants dumped by Iran into the river

Afghan officials began a process Sunday to search for bodies of immigrants from Afghanistan and retrieve them from a river in a western region of the country, after reports that Iranian border guards had tortured and dumped them in the river to prevent them from entering Iran, according to Sky News.
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The Arab Alliance: “Houthi” committed 100 violations of the ceasefire in one day

The Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen announced that the Houthi militia violations of the 24-hour ceasefire amounted to 100 violations.
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New York governor warns of “false sense of complacency” as epidemic recedes and deaths decline

New York State Governor Andrew Como warned state residents on Sunday not to complain about the reduced risk of Covid-19 disease as temperatures rise and the disease recedes significantly.
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Trump: Corona vaccine will be ready “by the end of this year”

United States President Donald Trump said Sunday that he is “certain” that the United States will have a coronavirus vaccine later this year.
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