It happened at night | Corona injuries and Egypt’s first response to Ethiopia and Tafas


6:23 am

Thursday 31 December 2020

Books – Mahmoud Al-Shall:
Last night, and until the early hours of this Wednesday morning, many important events were witnessed at the international level, the most outstanding of which were the following:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs summons Ethiopian Chargé d’affaires to Cairo following Addis Ababa statements on Egypt
On Wednesday evening, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Ethiopian Chargé d’Affaires to Cairo to provide clarification on the statements cited by the spokesperson for the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry dealing with Egypt’s internal affairs, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued tonight.
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The Minister of Education reveals, via Masrawy, that the first semester exams have been postponed for “those who wish to do so”
The Minister of Education and Technical Education, Dr. Tariq Shawky revealed the veracity of the publication that circulates on the pages of social networks, in terms of postponing the examination of the first semester of transportation classes from the fourth grade of primary school until the third preparatory for those who wish.
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Raslan: The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson’s statements on Egypt exceeded all limits
Dr. Hani Raslan, advisor to the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, said the statements by Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Dina Mufti exceeded all limits, indicating that this person belongs to a regime that It carries out genocide for its people, war crimes and bombs its citizens, as Ethiopia is not a state but an artificial entity and its history is long. Tens of decades are continuous wars and bitter violations.
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Giza: An evening campaign results in the closure of two private lesson centers in Talbieh
The Talbieh neighborhood agencies in Giza governorate launched a nightly campaign against private lesson centers, in implementation of the government’s decisions to close those centers and implement measures to counter the emerging corona virus.
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Professor of Chest Diseases: New symptoms of the Corona virus appear in the nervous and digestive systems
Dr. Maysa Sharaf Al-Din, professor of chest diseases at Al-Qasr Al-Aini medicine, said that new research around the world indicates new symptoms of the Corona virus that are not limited to the respiratory system.
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“I worked for the purpose of cleaning” … the mayor of Basyoun city in response to the ridicule of the strangest “traffic tray”
Mona Salih, president of the Basyoun City Council, commented on the social media mockery of the strangest traffic tray, saying: “The tray was present and every time it was cleaned it turned into a garbage stand, from what she saw. that it is better to fence it, until the gas pipes are installed, then the street will be re-planned from new.
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Governor of Fayoum: 400 million pounds, the proceeds of reconciliation in construction violations so far
Dr. Ahmed Al-Ansari, Governor of Fayoum, said that last July 67,000 building violations were monitored and reports were drawn up for the owners of these violations.
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Diocese of Kafr El-Sheikh Announces Coptic Prayers Limited to New Year’s Eve in Homes
Father Boutros Boutros Bastoros, representative of the Archbishopric of Kafr El-Sheikh, announced on Wednesday the restriction of praying to Copts on New Year’s Eve in homes, and the same is the limitation of Christmas Eve prayers in homes, as part of the precautionary measures taken by the Archdiocese to face the emerging Corona virus.
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A deadline for claiming and paying fees. What happens once the reservation of the social and middle housing apartments is finalized?
The Ministry of Housing has finished selling the brochures of the conditions for social and medium housing and has paid the severity of the reservation at the post offices, leaving only the electronic delivery, which is scheduled to end on Thursday.
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“For the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic” … Germany records 1,129 Corona deaths in 24 hours
The German Robert Koch Institute for Public Health Monitoring announced on Wednesday that 1,129 people died as a result of infection with the Coronavirus in Germany within 24 hours. This is the first time since the start of the epidemic that the number of daily deaths in Germany has exceeded the 1,000 mark.

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Global Health: No New Corona Strains Reported in Egypt
The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean confirmed that the International Health Regulations official responsible for reporting the emergence of new strains has not yet reported new strains of the Corona virus (Covid-19) in Egypt.
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A “secret document” … Britain feared going to war with Saddam Hussein
The British National Archives on Wednesday released declassified government documents revealing that former Prime Minister John Major, who ruled the country between 1990 and 1997, feared the possibility that his country could be drawn into another war waged by the United States against Saddam Hussein. The documents showed that Major feared that the United States would be involved in large-scale military action in Iraq if Saddam’s forces took control of Kurdish areas in the north, and believed that the abandonment of Britain and its American ally in the Kurds were the only solution to such a crisis.
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