It happened at night | 3 conditions for Radio Quran Al Maghrib and Fajr and imprisonment of Sama Al Masry


06:22 am

Sunday April 26, 2020

Last night, and even the early hours of Sunday morning, we witnessed many important events locally and internationally, the most prominent being:

Health: 227 new cases of “Corona” were registered … and 13 deaths
The Ministry of Health and Population announced on Saturday that 39 of those infected with coronaviruses have been discharged from isolation and quarantine hospitals, all Egyptians, after receiving the necessary medical attention and recovery according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, bringing the total number of people recovering from the virus to 1,114 cases to date.
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The prosecution orders that Sama Al-Masry be jailed for 4 days.
Today, Sunday, the Attorney General, Hamada El-Sawy, ordered the imprisonment of actress Samia Ahmed Attia, and her reputation as Sama Al-Masry, for 4 days, pending investigations.
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“Written written authorization” .. The Waqf establishes 3 conditions for the transmission of the dawn and the Moroccan Koran in the mosques
The Ministry of Religious Endowments confirmed that reading the Koran before the Maghreb or before the dawn prayer has a wide space for which there is no obligation, neither Sunnah, nor reassignment or prevention, therefore it is considered what achieves the interest of according to the circumstances of time, place and situation.
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Government reveals reason for not closing completely against Corona

Counselor Nader Saad, a cabinet spokesman, said that during the last meeting, the Corona Virus Crisis Management Committee had used a number of doctors and specialists to clarify the effect of reducing the ban on the incidence of coronavirus infection. He added: “Doctors emphasized that the greatest risk is mixing without adhering to preventive measures.”

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The Minister of Education responds to demands to accredit ability tests and cancel secondary exams
Education Minister Dr. Tariq Shawky revealed the fact that the high school exams were canceled and replaced by ability tests, according to what several parents demanded.
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Until Ramadan 20. The curfew was partially lifted in all regions of Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Arabian Press Agency “SPA”, in an urgent news, on Sunday morning, partially lifted the curfew in all regions of the Kingdom.
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Palestine: Two injured by Israeli occupation forces, during clashes in Kafr Qaddum

Two Palestinian youths were wounded with rubberized metal bullets during clashes that erupted with Israeli soldiers in the village of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya.
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Mansi’s widow: “I will not forget Sisi’s conversation about Mansi and his comparison with the terrorist Ashmawi.”
Manar Salim, the widow of the martyr Ahmed Al-Mansi, said: “President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has been eager since the first day of the martyrdom of my hero husband Ahmed Al-Mansi to communicate with us, and the families of the martyrs do not forget. Families of the martyrs. “
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“Between Iftar and Suhoor” .. Advice from the Minister of Health for Citizens

On Saturday, Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, advised fasting citizens to adhere to social separation and reduce mixing.
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Cabinet: wearing a muzzle will force itself at a certain time
Counselor Nader Saad, spokesman for the Cabinet, said that he was allowed to start the return of 6 services at the real estate registry offices, and that all precautionary measures will be taken within all offices or places of licenses of automobiles to ensure that the partial return does not affect the spread of the Corona epidemic.
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We condemn him and we condemn him … Mufti of the Republic, on the occasion of the circumambulation of some citizens around an object of the Kaaba
Dr. Shawky Allam, the Mufti of the Republic, commented on the tour of some citizens on a model of the Kaaba, saying: “Regardless of the reasons behind this, we can only speak after the results of the investigations in this regard” .
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Source: British Prime Minister to resume duties on Monday after recovering from Corona

A British government source confirmed that Prime Minister Boris Johnson informed his ministers that he would resume his duties on Monday, after recovering from the new Coronavirus “Covid 19”, according to Sky News Arabia.
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“Cottonil” announcement crisis hits Parliament. Urgent request to avoid showing (video)
Alexandria MP May Mahmoud submitted an urgent request for information on Saturday night to Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, Speaker of the House of Representatives, during which he demanded the cessation of advertising for underwear products ” Cottonil “, which began airing with the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and the company was given a legal penalty, for what it described as a scratch of public modesty. It transcended Egyptian values, customs and traditions.
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The death toll in the world in Corona exceeds 200 thousand people.

Bloomberg News, on Saturday, that the total number of deaths in the world due to the infection of the new Corona virus exceeded 200 thousand people.
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Johns Hopkins: United States Records 2494 Corona Deaths In 24 Hours
The United States has recorded an additional 2,494 deaths from the emerging coronavirus in the past 24 hours, according to figures released Saturday night at Johns Hopkins University.
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After rumors of his death … Yonhap: North Korean media ignores Kim’s health

South Korean News Agency Yonhap reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is not yet within the reach of public opinion and is not mentioned to him while the Pyongyang media, which are under strict state control , focus on its coverage on the anniversary of the founding of the country’s armed forces.

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Satellite photos of the United States reveal details of the location of the North Korean leader

The “Bloomberg” news agency revealed that photos taken by the American University “Johnson Hopkins” satellite “38 North”, which collects and analyzes information about North Korea, showed a train at the complex of Korean leader Kim Jong- a.

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