Ismail Youssef: Mahmoud Al-Khatib is a great value and we all love him, and Al-Ahly fans are great


Ismail Youssef, former member of the Zamalek Club Board of Directors, praised the courage of Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of the Al-Ahly Club, and that all people love him, and emphasized that the fans of the Al-Ahly club are great.

Ismail Youssef said in an intervention with journalist Saif Zaher on the “On Time Stadium” program broadcast by On Time Sports: Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of Al-Ahly, is a respected and valuable figure and we all love and appreciate him, and that the fans of the Al-Ahly club are a large audience, which is the reason for the Red Championship throughout its history. “

Ismail Youssef added: “The popularity of Al-Ahly and Zamalek in Egypt is the same, but in the Gulf and Africa, the popularity of Zamalek is higher, adding that the fans of the Zamalek club are the biggest in the world, and if we talk of that, I will not be able to fulfill their rights “.

Tijana explained: “The current period must be calm and relations between the two big clubs will be good. The media from the two poles must work to calm the atmosphere, and the media treat the issues fairly and fairly.

Ismail Youssef added: “I did not expect Kahraba to leave Zamalek in this way, and this method is not appropriate for Zamalek or Al-Ahly club, and his contract with Zamalek is 100% intact, and Kahraba forgot that he was renewing his contract with every year on loan, and there was no one who used to send Mortada Mansour for him and vice versa. He loved everyone. “

Tijana added: Zamalek club has a roster that applies to players and the system is the secret to winning tournaments, and Shikabala didn’t linger a minute over the course of three years at Zamalek club and his presence, and Tariq Hamed and Gensh were very helpful to the players in Zamalek.

Ismail Youssef continued: Abdullah Al-Saeed was the only player who could have played since Al-Ahly in Zamalek, and Ahmed Fathi was among Zamalek’s interests, because Abdullah Al-Saeed had the desire to play in Zamalek, and from the first day the offer was 40 million pounds and he accepted the offer.

Tijana explained: Zamalek was the best in the final of the African Champions League and failed success, and was affected by the absence of Al-Winch, Obama and Abdullah Jumaa, unlike Al-Ahly, who was not affected due to the absence of players, not even Aliou Diang, due to the presence of Hamdy Fathi and Al-Sulaia, and if he chose an Al-Diangkly player, he would be a Zamalekly player. Very rigid and has great capacities and an early age ”.
