Is the North Korean leader dead? .. Speculation and conflicting information about P.


09:24 p.m.

Saturday April 25, 2020

Books: Mohamed Ataya:

The severe media blackout in North Korea reinforced the hypothesis of its leader Kim Jong Un’s deteriorating health, and widespread speculation about his death, especially after he underwent surgery this month.

The North Korean leader had been out of sight for more than two weeks, reinforcing the hypothesis of his deteriorating health as a result of his absence from the most prominent ceremonies and celebrations recently, until the news of his death on television today from ” Hong Kong”.

In a report titled “North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is dead,” the New York Post magazine reported that the deputy director of Hong Kong’s HKSTV network said: The president of North Korea died, confirming that she found out. from this. A very powerful source. “

The North Korean leader’s health has been the focus of media attention during the recent period, along with reports that China has sent teams of experts, including doctors, to participate in diagnosing the leader’s condition.

Reuters quoted two sources as saying a delegation from the Chinese Communist Party had left the capital Beijing for North Korea on Thursday.

The Seoul-based “Daily N.K” website had said last week that Kim is recovering after cardiac surgery on April 12, and the site published the news, citing an unidentified source from North Korea.

While South Korean government officials and a Chinese official in the communications department doubted his condition was serious after surgery, US “CNN” reported last Tuesday that his health was in “serious danger” after of having surgery.

The network quoted an unidentified US official, who described him as being directly aware of the matter, that the United States is monitoring intelligence information about the North Korean leader’s dangerous health condition after he underwent the operation.

For his part, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, minimized last Thursday the reports that Kim’s condition was serious. “I think the report is not correct,” he told reporters, but declined to say if he was in contact with North Korean officials.

A South Korean source told Reuters on Friday that intelligence reported that Kim was “alive” and that he would likely emerge soon, and that he had no comment on Kim’s current condition or any Chinese interference.
