Is Manchester City withdrawing “financially” from the inclusion of Messi?


10:47 a. M.

Tuesday 01 September 2020

It seems that things have started to go a different path with regard to the transfer of Lionel Messi, the Barcelona star, to Manchester City, during the current summer transfer period.

Liu left several days ago, and announced in an official fax addressed to the management of his club his intention to leave the Camp Nou during the current Mercato, and requested the activation of the free man clause concluded in his last contract with the Catalan club , which he signed in November 2017.

Messi’s contract provides for the possibility for the Argentine player to leave the club for free at the end of each season, provided that the Catalan administration is informed twenty days before the end of the season (that is, on June 10 last), in otherwise, they will have to pay a material penalty clause of 700 million euros.

The Argentine player hopes to extend the season due to the Corona pandemic, to start the dispute between him and the Barça administration, which in various ways refuses to enter into negotiations that would lead to a friendly separation without paying the value of the penalty clause.

Immediately after Messi announced his intention to leave the Camp Nou, Manchester City were the first club interested in joining the 33-year-old, and according to European reports, Liu contacted Pep Guardiola (his former Barcelona coach) , current coach of the celestial team, to ask him about the possibility of his transfer to the stadium. the Union.

Despite Leo’s association with a move to Paris Saint-Germain, Inter Milan, Italy, and some reports hinted at Juventus thinking on the matter to join archrival Cristiano Ronaldo, but City remains the closest destination for the Argentine player, according to reports.

Some Spanish and English newspapers, a few days ago, displayed the possible offer from Manchester City to attract Messi to the Etihad Stadium, and the offer included Liu wearing a City jersey for 3 seasons in addition to playing another two seasons in New Town. York (owned by the City Holding Group) with 500 million. Euro for 50 million euros per season, and after the end of the first three seasons, he receives a reward of 250 million euros.

Currently, the crisis is not in the value of the contract presented by City or in the attempts at a pact between Messi and the management of the English club, but in the situation of the Argentine with Barcelona, ​​so the Catalan club’s management He will surely file a complaint with the International Football Association (FIFA) against the player and club who signed up with him.

The daily “Mundo Deportivo”, close to Barcelona, ​​said in its report this morning, Tuesday, that Manchester City will find itself in “financial” problems in case of intervention in Messi’s crisis with Barcelona.

The newspaper said: “According to sources close to the English club, after analyzing the numbers, City officials realized that the agreement was not economically viable, because the club would have to pay an exorbitant transfer fee in addition to salary, which That could put him in a new crisis with UEFA (UEFA) “.

“Mondo” added that Manchester City understands well, that the contract with Messi will propel the team forward in a distinctive way, and there is no doubt what the Argentine flea will achieve at the football level, but when you look at it from the point of view economic, things are different.

Manchester City had previously entered into disputes with UEFA for violating the rules of fair financial play, and decided to ban the team from participating in European championships for two years in a row before the Sports Court (CAS) rescued it and the penalty was lifted.

Although FIFA will grant Messi a temporary card that will allow him to play for any club until the dispute is resolved (according to the regulations), the club’s leaders do not want to take the risk again.

According to the Catalan newspaper, the best option for City is to sign for free with Messi, and this will not happen until January 1 (the player has the right to negotiate with any club 6 months before his contract ends), but before that the club may be forced into a crisis with FIFA.
