Injury spokesman Pence .. Trump Corona will end without vaccination



United States President Donald Trump said Friday that the Corona pandemic would end without a vaccine against the virus, while the U.S. media reported on the infection of Kitty Miller, a spokeswoman for the Office of the Vice President in Corona.

“I feel like the epidemic will go away even without developing a vaccine for it. It will end after a certain period and it won’t come back. It may reappear in the fall or next year, but it will end anyway,” Trump said.

“We have faced viruses and influenza that we have not yet received a vaccine, but have not resurfaced. It is true that many research centers around the world have made great progress in developing a vaccine for Corona, but whether found or not, the virus will disappear. “

In a related context, officials revealed Friday that the test for the Corona Virus test for the spokeswoman for the American vice president was positive, as he became the second White House employee to become infected, at a time when the president Donald Trump remained in his position to reject a muzzle even while honoring veterans who participated in the World War. The second and all of them are in their nineties.

Katie Miller speaking Mike PenceKatie Miller speaking Mike Pence

The injury announcement Katie Miller, a spokeswoman for Mike Pence, raised fears that the White House could become a hot spot, as Trump leads efforts to ease shutdowns that have depleted the world’s largest economy.

Katie Miller, by virtue of her position, attends high-level meetings at the White House and is married to Stephen Miller, Trump’s top adviser and his writer and the man behind the administration’s tough immigration policy.

A senior White House administration official initially indicated that one of Pence’s employees was examined and the result was positive.

But Trump later revealed during a meeting with Republican lawmakers that “Katie” was the intended recipient, saying he was working with Pence as a “media” official. This was also confirmed by various media reports.

As of Thursday, Katie was seen mingling with officials during an open-air prayer hosted by Trump and dozens of people, including First Lady Melania, as well as Pence’s wife and several other top officials who attended.

“As a result of great care, we have recently returned and verified all contacts of the person in question,” said the administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

On Thursday morning, a Trump spokesman said Corona’s examination of the president’s personal servant, an army soldier and in close contact with the president, was positive.

Trump and Pence were examined, but the result was negative, and they will continue to be examined daily.

Katie Miller speaking Mike PenceKatie Miller speaking Mike Pence

White House spokeswoman Kylie McKinney said there is no danger of an outbreak of Corona virus in the White House or any threat around Trump.

“I can tell you that we have taken every precaution to protect the president,” he said during a press conference, noting that “the building is being cleaned and social distancing is being respected.”

On Friday, Trump assured the American people that he had enough respirators to deal with the Corona virus crisis.

“We have enough respirators,” Trump said during a speech as he met with the California governor.

In his remarks that emerged during public discussions with his team and the California governor, the US president discussed some of the economic indicators and said that oil prices are starting to rise.

Trump emphasized continuing “to provide support to the US agricultural sector” to deal with the repercussions of the Corona crisis.

The United States witnessed the highest number of crown deaths worldwide, with 75,670 deaths out of 125,692 injuries. At least 195036 was cured earlier in the day.

The United States also lost 20.5 million jobs during the month of April, an unprecedented number in such a short period, raising the unemployment rate to 14.7% at its highest level since the 1930s, figures from the Ministry of Labor showed. on Friday.
