Including the impact in Turkey. What does it mean for the UAE to join the GA Forum?


11:57 pm

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Books – Youssef Afifi:

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi welcomed, during a meeting with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, on Wednesday, the UAE’s accession to the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum.

Several experts in international relations and political science praised that step, describing it as a mission that serves the forum and its role, especially Egypt, while revealing its impact on Turkey and the future of the situation in the eastern Mediterranean region.

Dr. Tariq Fahmy, professor of political relations at Cairo University and expert in international relations, said that the step of the UAE’s accession to the forum was arranged for him, as he applied for an observer status, as France and the United States, and was answered by Egypt, as Egypt established the forum.

Fahmy assured Masrawy that the accession of the UAE is a great addition to Egypt in the region and will have a great impact, as the relations between Egypt and the UAE are strong and the union helps to revitalize the work of the forum. .

He explained that the UAE has started to play an important role in European and Mediterranean affairs as it has strategic relations with Israel and is seeking multi-purpose alliances based on Egypt’s role to coordinate between the two parties at the highest level, thus doing the role. of the forum and the organization, which supports the role of the Arab presence and encourages this step to other countries.

He noted that the loser of entering the UAE is Turkey, and this is a success for Egyptian diplomacy to enter the UAE at this time, noting that the Turkish side has reservations about its exclusion from the forum and the organization. regional and will see this step as hostile because it will support the Egyptian-Emirati multilateral relations in the eastern Mediterranean region.

Ambassador Mohamed El-Orabi, a former Foreign Minister and member of the Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, also praised the UAE’s adherence to the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum in Cairo.

Al-Orabi told Masrawy that the adherence of the United Arab Emirates as an observer is important, as its adherence to this economic structure would increase the strength of the forum’s influence and involve the United Arab Emirates in any future plans to organize the activities. of the forum and activities in the eastern Mediterranean, especially against intimidation of some countries in the region.

The former foreign minister explained that economic entities in general that deal with energy matters in particular will be one of the characteristics of the development of the international relations system during the next period.

It should be noted that Egypt, Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Jordan launched the forum as a multilateral governmental organization during a virtual ceremony hosted by Cairo in September, and the forum also includes the Palestinian Authority among its members.

France has requested to join and the United States and Europe have requested an observer agreement.

The announcement of the accession of the United Arab Emirates came after a visit by Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, during which he met with President Abdel Fattah Al- Yes Yes.

The Egyptian presidency said in a statement that the two sides expressed “the value-added importance that the UAE will contribute to the forum’s activities to serve strategic interests and enhance cooperation and partnership among the forum countries.”

The UAE became a net importer of gas in 2008, due to increasing demand for electricity and the reinjection of gas into oil fields to improve crude extraction.

According to the US Department of Energy, the UAE has the world’s seventh largest proven natural gas reserve, at just under 215 trillion cubic feet.
