Including soft loan disbursement to farmers … the most important benefits of the smart farmer card and the ways to get it


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After the activation of the electronic possession system, the “Al-Falah Card” in the governorates of Sharkia, Beheira, Assiut and Sohag, within the framework of the State’s interest in the importance of digital transformation and automation of the services provided to citizens, Dr. Muhammad Yusuf of Agricultural Directorate Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, said in televised statements, that it was possible to replace the paper card for agricultural possession with the smart card, including the farmer’s possession of agricultural land and crops in it, allowing you to obtain amounts of fertilizers suitable for your own cultivation.

He noted that the farmer’s smart card is linked to a database based on the national number of each farmer who has agricultural tenure.

Disbursement of agricultural fertilizers through a Meeza card

According to Yousef, the Al Falah smart card can be used as a Meeza card in the second stage as follows:

1- Deposit money on the card to pay for any government transaction and dispense agricultural fertilizers.

2- Pay bills to any of the official online agencies.

3- At a later stage, the card will be used to pay farmers’ fees in exchange for supplies of wheat or other agricultural crops.

6 advantages of obtaining the Al Falah card:

1- The Al Falah card holder receives his pension or health insurance services.

2- Use of the card to obtain the economic quotas of the farmers through ATMs.

3- Cardholders receive the rations prescribed to farmers in terms of fertilizers, agricultural inputs and fuel for agricultural machinery (diesel)

4- Disburse loans on favorable terms to farmers from the Agricultural Bank and repay agricultural advances.

5- Use of the smart card in the POS terminal

6- Use of smart cards in any of the 123 ATMs.

Al Falah Kart Goals:

1- Establish a national database that includes all the agricultural holdings of farmers.

2- Subsidies reach those who deserve farmers.

3- Do not invade agricultural lands.

4- Assist in the audit of agricultural areas in each governorate and crops in each region.

5- Disburse conditional cash support to agricultural landowners who are committed to implementing the state’s agricultural policy.

6- Disbursement of the fuel necessary for the cultivation of agricultural land at the gas stations through the electronic distribution system for petroleum products.

7- Disbursement of in-kind support in relation to chemicals and fertilizers subsidized by the state.

Ways to get the Smart Farmer card:

The electronic possession forms are withdrawn, free of charge and without commissions, and the required personal data are the following:

1- Copy of the DNI.

2- A personal photo of the holder.

3- Bring all the information you have, be it land, poultry or animal production projects, feed factories, and other activities related to the agricultural sector.

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