In the video … “The Dawn Visitor” has the best news: You won the Nobel Prize


Milgrom tells the details "The most beautiful visit" Of Wilson, he said his phone was silent, so he did not receive any calls indicating that he had won the award.

The scientist said"Reuters" Wilson, who lives across the street, came knocking on his door before dawn to tell him that they would share the award.

Security cameras at Milgram’s home showed that Wilson visited him late, rang the bell, and knocked on the door, saying: "Paul. This is Bob Wilson. Yes. You won a nobel prize".

Wilson adds in the video, which was posted by Stanford University on their official account. "Twitter" And achieved widespread on the Internet: "They are trying to communicate with you, but they cannot. They don’t seem to know your phone number".

His wife says: "We gave them your number"Laird Milgrom from the inside: "Yes. Wow. OK"Then the wife adds: "Will you answer your phone?"And laugh out loud.

On Monday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said that Melgrom and Wilson won this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics for their work in developing auctions that have been praised as being beneficial to the seller and buyer worldwide in all the fields, from fishing quotas to airport landing permits.

Among the ideas of the two Stanford economists is an explanation of how bidders seek to avoid the so-called "Damn the winner" That happens when a product is paid higher than the actual value of a product and what happens when they better understand how value conscious their competitors are.

The official website of the Nobel Prize said in "Twitter": "Auctions take place everywhere and have an impact on our daily lives. This year’s Economic Science Award winners, Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, developed auction theory and created new auction models that benefit sellers, buyers, and taxpayers around the world.".

The two scientists devised models to sell related things simultaneously, and in 1994, the US authorities used one of their models at auctions to sell radio frequencies to telecommunications companies, in a procedure that was later used in other countries.

The Noel Prize in Economics, which is worth 10 million Swedish crowns (about $ 1.14 million), is not one of the five basic prizes established by the inventor of dynamite Alfred Nobel in 1895, but created by the Swiss Central Bank and first granted in 1969.

The Economics Award is the last of the six awards for 2020, with the Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Peace awards given over the last week.


In this way, the American economist Paul Milgrom learned, on Monday, that he had won the prestigious award in the field of economics for the year 2020, in alliance with his compatriot and neighbor Robert Wilson, who rushed towards him with the good news .

Milgrom recounts the details of Wilson’s “most beautiful visit”, saying that his phone was silent, so he did not receive any calls saying that he had won the award.

The scientist told “Reuters” that Wilson, who lives across his street, came knocking on his door before dawn to tell him that they would share the award.

Security cameras at Milgrom’s home showed that Wilson visited him late, rang the bell and knocked on the door saying, “Paul. This is Bob Wilson. Yes. I won the Nobel Prize.”

“They are trying to contact you, but they couldn’t. It seems they don’t know your phone number, “Wilson adds in the video posted by Stanford University on his official account on the” Twitter “site.

And his wife says, “Give them your number,” and Milgrom responds from within: “Yes. Wow. Okay.” Then the wife adds, “Will you answer your phone?”

On Monday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said that Melgrom and Wilson won this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics for their work in developing auctions that have been praised as being beneficial to sellers and buyers around the world in all fields. From fishing quotas to airport landing permits.

Among the insights of the two Stanford economists, they explain how bidders seek to avoid the so-called “winner’s curse” that occurs when a good is overpaid, and what happens when they gain a better understanding of how much their competitors perceive the value.

The official website of the Nobel Prize said on Twitter: “Auctions take place everywhere and affect our daily lives. This year’s Economic Science Prize winners Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson developed the theory of auctions and created new auction models that benefit the seller, the buyer and the taxpayer around the world. “

The two scientists devised models to sell related things simultaneously and, in 1994, the US authorities used one of their models at auctions to sell radio frequencies to telecommunications companies, in a procedure that was later used in other countries.

The Noel Prize in Economics, valued at 10 million Swedish crowns (about $ 1.14 million), is not one of the five basic prizes established by the inventor of dynamite Alfred Nobel in 1895, but created by the Central Bank. Swiss and first awarded in 1969.

The Economics Award is the last of the six awards for 2020, with the Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Peace awards given over the last week.
