In the “Vermont” case, ten statements by Noha Al-Amrousi clarify a position


02:58 p. M.

Friday 04 September 2020

I wrote – Yasmine El-Sharkawy:

The famous “Vermont” case has witnessed several events in recent times, notably the arrest of several people pending investigation, including Nazli Mustafa Karim, daughter of artist Noha Al-Amrousi.

The artist, Noha Al-Amrousi, told “Masrawy”, and she wrote several comments through her Facebook account, but they were deleted, and by contacting the artist, she confirmed the authenticity of what was mentioned in the publications she wrote :

“Masrawy” reviews, in the following lines, the most outstanding statements of Noha al-Amrousi:

– Noha al-Amrousi said in her first comment on the crisis in an earlier statement to “Masrawy”: “I don’t want to talk about this issue for now, and everyone should know that my daughter is innocent, and the families of some” influential rapists. “They forced her to participate in this case.

– “My daughter is married to one of the defendants in this case, and she was called by the prosecution to testify, and suddenly she turned to the defendant as a witness, I don’t want to talk because if I speak up and say that I have the world it will turn around , but if my daughter has a need for the cases and the families of the rapists manufacture it. With her influence and great authority, I would not have lost, and after what happened to my daughter, I made sure. “
– “If my daughter were in need and injustice continued, I swear to God that I would not have lost my mind, and the words that I would say will make the world explode, God willing, our Lord will help us.”

– And he wrote on his Facebook account: “Nazli, my daughter, is the true accusation that she tried to advance justice against injustice.”

– And in another post that was deleted, but the artist confirmed the authenticity of what it said to “Masrawy”: “Her six hours of marriage make her work things that I neither want nor satisfy, but doing it despite her to satisfy her husband, especially if she loves him and trusts him blindly, and he’s young. I don’t understand the world. The leaked videos of my daughter Nazli apply to her.

– “This boy, my daughter, was in love with him and they were together at school, and their relationship lasted 12 years, until the last year, when 21 years passed, take her and marry her from Raya.”

– “No perverted girl will go with someone 12 years old, who leaks the videos an Estonian number that is sold to reporters, and by random numbers to expose my daughter. My poor daughter preferred 12 years with someone who blackmailed her and threatened, and she did not speak, did not tell me, nor did anyone say.

– “When I discovered to a relative that my daughter had been subjected to all this cruelty, I asked her why I had fainted, and what was in her brain at that time. She answered me and said, I told her that I am satisfied and salvation , but over the years the girl has grown up and continues to deny that she agrees to a need with which she is not satisfied, especially threatening and blackmailing her. During the last two years, she surrendered to his threats, and then she rebelled against him and decided to do other things, including posted videos. “
– “They covered the flesh of my daughter and the oppressors. This is an orphan girl from her childhood. Someone who was planning her evil was singled out for her to have the intention of representing her with her knowledge and without her knowledge. Fear God “.

– And another post was published on “Facebook”, before it was removed, in which it said: “There are despicable editors who make wrong statements in my language. I did not say that my daughter’s nuts were being brought by a man, this talk it didn’t go into my language. “

The Public Ministry continues its investigations into the case of attacking a girl at the Fairmont Hotel in 2014, and decided to detain three defendants for 4 days in preventive action, and release another three if each of them paid an economic guarantee of 100,000 pounds, and another with a guarantee of his place of residence, pending investigation. With them, they were accused of the ongoing investigations into the incident of assaulting a girl in the “Fairmont” hotel, and among the three whom the prosecution ordered to be imprisoned for 4 days, Nazli Mustafa, daughter of the famous artist Noha Al-Amrousi.
