In the context of facing Corona … the conditions to open cafes and various entertainment venues and wedding venues after the holidays


During the last two weeks of the holy month of Ramadan, questions and speculation about the procedures followed regarding the spread of the Corona virus in the country began. Where everyone is wondering the date of the end of the current crisis, when news finally broke about the end of the crisis in late May and the return of life to normality without a curfew, especially after the Cabinet announced that the control of Covid-19 depends on the degree of people’s awareness to discover that cloud in El earliest. Members of the House of Representatives began to discuss the situation and conditions for a return to normal life.

Expectations of the end of the Crown crisis proceedings.

Dr. Elizabeth Shaker, a member of the House of Representatives Health Affairs Committee, revealed the expected measures regarding the Covid-19 virus during the blessed days of Eid Al-Fitr and what is known of the meetings, in terms to extend the prohibition period in addition to the conditions for opening cafes, gyms and weddings. In this, he said, returning matters to their previous account is not anyone’s expectation, because these decisions adjust to the number of injuries and put the interest and health of citizens first.

Parliamentary Expectations on the Outlook for the End of Covid-19
Parliamentary Expectations on the Outlook for the End of Covid-19

For his part, he indicated that, within the horrific increases of people infected with the Coronavirus and the number of daily deaths these days, the procedures will be strict during the days of Eid Al Fitr. He explained that Egypt so far is moving within the framework of the expected increase according to the exponential function, but it is mainly due to citizen awareness and the scope of its application of social separation measures.

Conditions for opening cafes and gyms and living with the Corona virus

A member of the Parliament’s Health Committee explained that the next period will witness sanctions for not wearing health masks during the departure from homes, and called for the need to partially open several entertainment venues, such as cafes and gyms, since a Full opening can lead to a setback for uncontrollable coronary virus.

    Conditions for opening cafes and gyms and living with the Corona virus
Conditions for opening cafes and gyms and living with the Corona virus

For its part, the MP believes that it is not possible to authorize the opening of any recreational place, except after Eid, in the context of the implementation of the preventive and social divergence measures recently announced by the Ministry of Health. But this will not be affirmed without entering the country in a state of stability far from the daily increases in the rate of injuries and deaths.
