In particular, Majdi Abdul-Ghani did not appear. Three decisions of the channel “TEN” after the complaint of Al-Ahly


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The media figure, Nashat Al-Daihi, head of the channel “TEN”, announced that Captain Magdy Abdel-Ghani had not appeared on the channel’s screen, after the statement issued by the Al-Ahly club and that he was carrying a complaint against him. sports program of the channel.

Al-Daihi said, on its official Facebook page, that the channel respects and values ​​the former Al-Ahly club and its great fans, a respect commensurate with the national role of this great building, adding that it is a national institution that does not it is subject to demolition and no program or channel can shake its pillars.

Al-Ahly had said in his complaint that the program violates the media’s codes of honor and violates the rules of organization, and that the permanent guest Majdi Abdul-Ghani attacks the Al-Ahly club and its officials and leaders without justification, and aims to destroy the entity and destabilize it.

Al-Daihi noted that the channel firmly believes that sports media have a great responsibility in controlling public performance through objectivity in handling football affairs, noting that the channel literally adheres to all laws and statutes that regulate the work of the media.

Al-Daihi explained that the channel’s management made 3 decisions regarding Al-Ahly’s complaint, in a sense of national responsibility towards public affairs, namely:

1- Go to the direction of the Al-Ahly Club to determine the events that occurred in the program and that represent a violation of the statutes and laws that govern the work to correct them since the program was launched.

2- The channel’s management asks the family of sports media in Egypt to work on the control and improvement of performance and not create a state of tension among the masses of Egyptian football.

3- Magdy Abdel-Ghani does not appear on the channel’s screen.

A statement at a time when we draw attention to the plots being hatched for us targeting the conscience of the Egyptians and altering the foundations of the nation through …

Posted by Nashaat El Deehy on Monday Oct 12, 2020

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