In a message to “potential adversaries” … two US strategic bombers are flying in the Middle East


In a message to ...

Reuters / US Air Force / Senior Airman Eugene Oliver

Two strategic bombers, “B-52 Stratofortress” of the United States Air Force, flew from their base in the United States to the Middle East.

The United States Central Command confirmed through its “Facebook” account that the two bombers flew in their area of ​​responsibility with aircraft belonging to “regional partners” as part of the second mission during the last two months.

The Associated Press quoted Pentagon officials as saying that the two bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear bombs, left Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on Wednesday and carried out the mission in the Middle East today and then returned to their base.

The agency claimed the mission lasted 36 hours, during which the two bombers crossed the Atlantic Ocean and Europe, then flew over the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf, where they performed an extensive rotation near Qatar while remaining at a safe distance from the coast of Qatar. Iran.

Central Command Commander Gen. Frank McKenzie, who is the commander-in-chief of US forces in the Middle East, stated that the ongoing mission, which took place on short notice, was designed to confirm the Army’s commitment. with its regional partners and verify the ability to rapidly deploy combat forces anywhere in the world.

McKinsey emphasized that this mission demonstrates the close practical relationships between the US military and its regional partners and their shared commitment to the security and stability of the region.

He said: “Potential adversaries must realize that there is no country on earth more prepared and capable of rapidly deploying an additional fighting force in the face of any aggression.”

The general said that the United States does not want conflicts, but must remain committed and be ready to face any emergency and face any aggression.

The daily “Politico” reported today that this mission is part of the measures recently taken by the Pentagon to reinforce US forces in the Middle East in anticipation of possible attacks by Iran.

Source: RT + “Associated Press”
