Images of Mortada Mansour on the walls of the Zamalek club


There were reports that the Zamalek club administration headed by councilor Ahmed Al-Bakri removed the banners bearing the name of Mortada Mansour, the former club president, after the Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Youth and Sports decided to suspend the council. de Mortada Mansour and appoint a temporary committee to manage the club.

On the “seventh day” he obtained photographs of the wall of the Zamalek club and of the facades of the buildings inside the club, which bear the name of Mortada Mansour, as is, without removing, as reported recently.

Wall Zamalek Club 2
Wall Zamalek club

Wall Zamalek club
Wall Zamalek club

For his part, Mahmoud Hamdi Al-Wensh, the Zamalek defender, walked away from participating in the Al-Mokawloon match scheduled for next Saturday at the opening of Zamalek’s league matches in the new season, despite his recovery of the Corona virus infection to which he was exposed some time ago and was the reason for his absence in the last Zamalek games.

Al-Winch took a break from training yesterday. Today, you must participate in team group training. The player will undergo a qualification program to regain his technical and physical level due to his absence from matches for some time.

Tariq Hamed, the Zamalek midfielder, naturally attended group training yesterday after the player took a break from training for two days, and Moroccan Zamalek wing Ashraf bin Sharqi returned to participate in group training with the team, as he suffered a connective muscle injury that kept him away Participating with the team in the match Talaia El-Geish, in the framework of the semi-finals of the Egyptian Cup, which Al-Abyad lost by three goals to one , and Ashraf Qasim, general supervisor of the Zamalek Club soccer team, met with the player to quickly control him.
