Ibn Hisham Salim: I hesitated 18 times and cried before informing my father about the decision to have sexual transitions (video)


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Nour, the son of artist Hisham Selim, revealed the scenes of his father’s confession to his urgent desire for sexual transformation, from “Noura”, the 18-year-old, to the young “Nour”, explaining that he hesitated dozens of times before of knocking on his father’s bedroom door to tell him the truth of what he was thinking out loud.

Sometimes the son did not forget, and cried, fearful of the father’s reaction after hearing his words, but “Salim” reassured him.

The program “On the Jaafar Talk”, broadcast on the German-speaking channel “Deutsche Welle,” Nour said during an online interview: “I hesitated before telling my father about 18 or 19 times, I was standing in front of the room and before knocking on the door, I fear and return to My room, and the day I came in and told my father that I wanted to tell you something, I was crying. ”

And he continued: “My father said to me: How can I help you? What can I do for you?”

For his part, the artist Hisham Selim explained for the first time, during the meeting: «In Nour’s childhood, his choices were childish, since he bought pistols and avoided choosing girlfriends, which led the artist to question himself and himself himself, and consulted his friends with doctors, who said it is good to introduce him to a psychiatrist. He added, adding that he refused to expose his son to the experience of a psychiatrist in his childhood, hoping he would grow up, then the girl, “Nora”, will repeat her fate.

And Salim said, “I was afraid I was doing something wrong, exposing Nour by sitting with a psychiatrist and hearing words about hormones and problems older than his age, and I said to myself, I will confirm when I grow up, and I insisted that I had than being with him until he finds the path he wants to follow. ” .

On the other hand, and far from the experience of revealing Nour’s decision to “Selim”, the young man asked him about his feelings of love towards a girl before, and Nour replied: “I felt love, and it was difficult to think about how I would love or He would talk to her and what her family would say, so he did not want to In the matter, so as not to get into trouble and (Audi is a cunning person).

“Selim” advised his son in the air to grow stronger, because after revealing his truth in the media, he will face problems, at work and in life.

Two days ago, the artist expressed his support for his son, “Nour”, on the program “Sheikh Al-Hara and Al-Daray”, and that was the first time that the artist publicly announced his son’s life in the media. .

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