How much does Big Ramy earn after winning the 2020 Mister Olympia?


In the early hours of this morning, Rami Al-Sebaei, the bodybuilding champion, was crowned with the Mr. Olympia title, after wrestling the title from American player Phil Heath for 7 consecutive years.

There was contradictory news about the economic value of the prize that the Egyptian player will receive after crowning the title, and some said $ 250,000, and another said $ 4 million, and given the importance of the tournament and the event, being the first Egyptian to win the tournament , on the seventh day he contacted a source from the International Gaming Federation. , Which revealed the economic value of winning Mr. Olympia, even though it is not on the international agenda of the International Championships.

The source said that the economic value of Mr. Olympia is 400 thousand dollars, which is the amount that the winner of the last edition of the tournament received, equivalent to 6 million and 284 thousand Egyptian pounds.

Egyptian bodybuilder Rami Al-Sebaei gave “Big Ramy” his historic victory after crowning the title of Mr. Olympia 2020, one of the biggest and most famous games in bodybuilding, to his fans in Egypt and the Arab world, who registered history as the first Egyptian player to win, and posted a photo of his coronation through his account. The site “Facebook”, accompanied by a comment: “This title is not mine, this title is for you, my beloved.”
