Hours after Egypt’s success … a freighter stranded on Britain’s River Aaron


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The British Mail Online newspaper reported that the stranding of a 260-foot-long (about 79 meters) freighter while crossing a river in West Sussex today sparked comparisons to the accident caused by the container ship “Ever Giffen” in Suez. Channel that lasted a week.

The newspaper noted that the ship anchored in an inclined position in the Aaron River and veered 100 feet before sliding down the muddy course of the river.

The newspaper quoted a spokesman for the port of Littlehampton in Sussex as saying that the ship, named “Elise”, was flying the Antigua and Barbuda flag and arrived at the port of Antwerp in Belgium to unload its cargo. pass through a narrow gap on the west bank of the river Injury or contamination.

According to port authorities, the ship restarted its machines at high tide without the need for intervention, and two vessels were photographed pushing the ship safely to its normal position in port.

The newspaper said that when compared to the 220,000-ton ship Ever Geffen, we found that it required 13 tugs and dredged about 30,000 cubic meters of sand on the banks of the Suez Canal.

A spokesman for the port of Littlehampton, Sussex, noted that the ship will float again at high tide and the aim is to return it to an alternate pier at high tide, noting that the river is still open for navigation by all vehicles. since there is enough room to move between the ship and the West Bank.

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