Honorable Women … A Surprising Comment from the Al-Jazeera Club President on the Sex Candy Scandal


Amr Jazzarin, president of Al-Jazirah Club, was surprised by a fiery comment about the incident of the sex candy scandal in the club, after photos of several members celebrating the birthday of one of them with sweets in the form of genitals, where He defended the members who appeared in the images and launched a violent attack against those who leaked him. .Add an ad

He wrote through his official account on the social network site “Facebook”, saying: “I will not get involved in disputes or express my personal opinion on the matter, as the incident has been transferred to the legal committee to study the circumstances and issue the appropriate decision on club members and this is an internal investigation. internal. “

The island’s president defends women from photos of sexual sweets
The island’s president attacked the leaked images of the sex candy scandal and the harassment of club members, noting that it insulted the reputations of virtuous women, mothers and grandmothers, all former heroines of the Al-Jazirah club, saying: “What we are talking about is the moral defect and the social harassment that we are going through, which has become a sad phenomenon and my anger needs a firm position. And it is hateful and not condemning only for all those who are voyeur, espionage, photos, those who post, and those who violate privacy and savor the abuse of the reputation of virtuous women, mothers and grandmothers, heroines of their time who celebrated in your table.

Amr Jazzarin attacks photo leak
Butcheren continued his attack on those who leaked the images, saying: “I announce my extreme anger towards everyone who posted on social media or helped spread this incident, either in good faith or with the intention of gloating and distorting their reputations. virtuous members, which does not diminish their value at all, and I demand from society. General and club members in particular to reject these failed sick people who build their happiness in life and feed their sick psyche with defamation of others I also demand the full extent of the law enforcement for defamation charges and insults on social media pages.

The president of the Al-Jazeera Club affirmed that all monotheistic religions order to hide and close our eyes and reject division, saying: “All religions order us to leave the creation to the Creator, especially since the accident does not represent a threat of any kind to the lives of the members, God forbid. “

Amr Jazzarin concluded his speech: “There will be strict laws regarding the violation of privacy and photographing others without their knowledge, and those who published the first images of any of the club’s cubs will be tracked and the necessary actions will be taken with him. Posting photos of women’s faces without their permission is a crime if posted. Just pictures of candy and his discontent with them, you got it, but what happened is a moral crime in every way.

And it was a violent crisis that erupted during the last hours since Monday morning, after images of a group of women members of the club were circulating on social networks celebrating the birthday of one of them with sweets in the form of genitals, which it unleashed a state of anger among the members of the famous club, who demanded the need to investigate. The partners, noting that the matter violates the values ​​and traditions by which the club is known, so the Ministry of Sports decided to form a commission to investigate the incident.
