Home Sport | Zamalek reaches an agreement with Pacheco to train the team


1:24 PM | Friday 18 September 2020

Zamalek reaches an agreement with Pacheco to train the team

Jimmy Pacheco, former Zamalek coach

The Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club reached an agreement with the Portuguese Jaime Pacheco, to take charge of the team’s training sessions during the next period, after the departure of French Patrice Carteron, former team coach, to take charge of the team’s training Saudi cooperation.

A source at Castillo Blanco told ‘Al-Watan Sport’ that the president of the white club negotiated with ‘Pacheco’ via video technology, rejecting the idea that a delegation from the club would travel to negotiate with the coach anywhere that he determines by the difficulty of the trip, given the continued spread of the Corona virus around the world.

The source revealed that during the negotiations, the Portuguese welcomed Pacheco to return to train the target, on the condition that there were two assistants for him, and after a period of discussions, the president of Zamalek agreed that the agreement final will be in everything related to assuming the task when the coach arrives in Cairo, and this is expected to happen tomorrow Saturday. Or the day after tomorrow, Sunday, depending on the flight conditions.

Youssef and Amir support the return of Pacheco

The last few days have seen multiple consultations between the president of Zamalek, his son “Amir”, who supervises the ball, and Ismail Youssef, a member of the council, to choose the new coach.

During the discussions, the white president rejected the idea of ​​Pacheco’s return for fear of his escape, as happened in his previous term, which was excluded by Amir and Youssef, and convinced the president of the club to return the coach again, especially because his style of play is close to the French Carteron.
