Home Sport | Urgent .. Zamalek City Council sells the “overthrown” president … and rejects the collective resignation


03:22 PM | Monday 05 October 2020

Urgent .. Zamalek City Council sells to the president

Dead mansour

The Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club awaits the position of the Ministry of Youth and Sports regarding the implementation of the decisions of the Olympic Committee, to suspend the president of the club, for a period of 4 years, and the convocation of the current council to establish an assembly general as soon as possible, to hold new elections for the position of President of Castillo Blanco, and vacant positions.

And information was leaked inside the club about the refusal of the trio of the board of directors, Ahmed Jalal Ibrahim, Ismail Youssef and Ala Moqled, to present their resignations, and they will complete their mandate, if the Ministry of Sports approves the decisions of the Olympic Committee , and calls a general assembly to elect a new club president for the next term.

The deposed president of Zamalek communicates with the Minister of Youth and Sports

For his part, the president of the suspended club contacted Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, asking him to intervene to freeze the decision of the Olympic Committee and not activate it, noting that the decisions of the Olympic Committee violate the regulations and the Law Sports, and are considered interference in another jurisdiction, since only the members of the General Assembly are the holders. The right to remove him and suspend his powers within the club and not others.

The deposed president of the club threatened with the resignation of all the members of the council, resorting to the judiciary, to the sports field, and threatening to stop the sporting activity in Egypt, especially since the timing of the sanctions is very difficult in light of the association football team in a major showdown against the Moroccan Raja in the semi-finals of the African Champions League on the 18th of this month. .

The president of Zamalek has officially decided to file a complaint with the Appeals Committee of the Olympic Committee, the Center for Arbitration and Sports Arbitration, and according to a source close to him, documents will be attached to his memorandum, according to a source close to him, documents that reveal the intransigence of the Olympic Committee against him and against Club Zamalek, in many situations, and that the committee of the competing Club works in favor of Zamalek without regulation. Or laws, according to him.

The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee met, on Sunday 4-10-2020, to consider the conclusion of the investigation into the complaints presented by the president of the Al-Ahly Club, the former president of the Zamalek Club, the deputy and members of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Club, the Egyptian Football Association and the head of the commission. The main referees of the Egyptian Football Association, the Egyptian Handball Federation and a number of sports figures, all of them affected by the insults, calumnies and insults of the president of the Zamalek club to them and the sports institutions they represent , using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he removed from his sporting function, as well as social media.

The investigations carried out by the judge, the head of the investigative commission and the president of the Court of Appeals, on the violations addressed in the investigation, which were registered with number 13 of 2020, the investigation was limited and proved the violations attributed to it, which constituted a flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, and this has become the basis for the demolition of sports values ​​AND ideals, and a waste of the sublime meanings that civilized nations produce from sport, and this matter that the Egyptian Olympic Committee had to defend, no matter how often, and not be complacent when facing it so that it does not become a general behavior that turns ugly to it, and is a destruction of Egyptian youth and youth. The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee decided unanimously to approve the conclusion of the memorandum of the investigation committee to impose the following sanctions on the president of the Zamalek Sports Club:

– First: The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zamalek Sports Club has been suspended from the practice of any sporting activity in Egypt for a period of four years (4 years), and is fined one hundred thousand Egyptian pounds, only with the consequences thereof, including in particular the following:

A – Not approving your representation of the Zamalek Sports Club in front of others and the judiciary with respect to the club.

B – Not to assume the presidency of any board or general assembly or of the board of directors of Zamalek Sports Club while the suspension lasts.

C- Without having your signature in any procedure or correspondence, or anything else, related to the Zamalek Club, especially economic matters or authorization thereof, and the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Zamalek Sports Club and the members of the Board Board of Directors must call the first ordinary general assembly that includes a point for elections for vacant positions. In particular, the seat of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The decision will be effective as of its date and all parties to the complaints that are the object of the decision will be notified of it, provided that the central administrative authority and the competent administrative authority are notified of this decision in order to implement their affairs.

Second: Inform the Public Ministry of the facts contained in the investigations – which constitute a criminal offense – in order to comply with their affairs in this regard.

Third: Inform the Supreme Council for Media Regulation to carry out its affairs with respect to what is transmitted on the Zamalek satellite channel of words and phrases that constitute an offense to public modesty in violation of the Letter of Honor of the Media.
