Home Sport | Urgent … Sources: “Al-Shabab” questioned the State Council on the decision to remove the president of Zamalek


02:36 PM | Saturday 17 October 2020

Urgent .. Sources:

The isolated president of Zamalek

Judicial sources of the State Council said that a letter was received from the Fatwa General Assembly and Legislation from the State Council of the Ministry of Youth and Sports that included the question about the legality of the decision issued by the Egyptian Olympic Committee, which includes preventing the president of Zamalek from practicing any sporting activity for a period of 4 years, and forcing the committee. In its decision issued by the Zamalek Club administration to call a general assembly to elect a new club president.

On October 4, the Olympic Committee announced that the president of the Zamalek Club was banned for four years from practicing any sporting activity, after several violations were proven against him, and requested elections for a replacement president.

The committee fined the ousted Zamalek president 100,000 Egyptian pounds (about $ 6,400) after investigating complaints made by various sports personalities. On his sporting role “.

The committee considered that the violations of the president of Zamalek constituted a “flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, which has become a relay for the demolition of sports values ​​and ideals and a waste of sublime meanings. that civilized nations produce from sport. “

He added that the actions of the Zamalek president constitute “a destruction of the Egyptian youth and youth.”

President Zamalek filed two calls with the court after his suspension

It is noteworthy that the deposed president of Zamalek filed two lawsuits to demand the suspension of the decision of the Olympic Committee, which included suspending him from the practice of sports activity for a period of 4 years, and case No. 2015 for the year 75 to. C.

The Egyptian Olympic Committee, headed by Hisham Hatab, issued an official statement upon receiving a letter from his international counterpart, supporting the sanctions issued by the committee against the isolated president of the Zamalek Club, his suspension for a period of 4 years, a fine of 100,000 pounds and the prohibition of practicing any sporting activity.

The Egyptian Olympic Committee received an official letter from the International Olympic Committee with the signature of Jerónimo, the relations official and the National Olympic Committees, in which he confirmed that the international body received the Egyptian responses on the position of the decisions issued regarding the president suspended from the Zamalek Club dated October 9, and thanked its officials for their prompt response and clarification. Everything that is required on the subject under discussion.

The International Olympic Committee affirmed its support for all the actions dictated based on the powers granted to the national committees, considering the matter internally subject to all internationally recognized standards and mechanisms, which are well represented and applied by the Egyptian Olympic Committee, such as the rest of the national committees.
