Home Sport | Urgent … Saudi cooperation absolves Turki Al-Sheikh of Carteron deal: did not interfere


11:05 PM | Wednesday 16 September 2020

Urgent ... Saudi cooperation exonerates Turki Al-Sheikh from Carteron agreement: did not interfere


The Saudi Al-Taawon Club disclosed the fact that Turki Al-Sheikh, head of the Saudi Entertainment Authority, interfered in bringing in French coach Patrice Carteron from Zamalek to take over the technical leadership of the Saudi team.

In an official statement, the Al-Taawon Club confirmed that the club’s management took over its financial value, emphasizing that everything said about Turki Al-Sheikh’s guarantee of the value of the deal is incorrect.

The Al-Taawon Club indicated that it appreciated Foreign Minister Turki Al-Sheikh’s support for the club over the past term, and asked the media to investigate the accuracy and credibility.

Today, Wednesday, the Saudi Al-Taawon Club announced its official contract with the French Patrice Carteron, former coach of the Zamalek Club.

The Saudi club confirmed on its official website that the French coach will lead the team for the next two seasons, and that the final contract will be signed with him in Qatar as soon as he arrives there.

Yesterday, the French Patrice Carteron, former coach of the Zamalek first team, decided to terminate his contract with the whites, paying the penalty clause.

A source close to the coach revealed that “Carteron” had paid the penalty clause and went to coach another team, especially since he received many offers during the last hours.
