Home Sport | Urgent .. «Al-Attar» president of the Football Association .. and Al-Ganaini welcomes the decision


03:40 PM | Thursday 17 December 2020

Urgent .. «Al-Attar» president of the Football Association .. and Al-Ganaini welcomes the decision

Amr Al-Ganaini

Walid Al-Attar, executive director of the Football Association, will take on the task of managing the affairs of Jabaliya, in the next few hours, until a tripartite committee is formed to succeed the Amr Al-Ganayni committee.

The current schedule witnesses consultations with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, to discuss the position of the Egyptian Football Association, following the arrival of a letter from FIFA, the formation of a new tripartite committee , whose names will be sent in the next few hours, and officially announced through the official FIFA website.

Amr Al-Ganaini, former director of the Football Association’s temporary management committee, welcomed FIFA’s decision to form a tripartite committee to manage the affairs of Jabaliya until 31 January.

Al-Ganaini commented on the FIFA speech during his conversation with people close to him, according to one of the sources within the Al-Watan Sport Football Association: “I have no crisis, and I worked hard during my time for the interest of Egyptian football “.

He added: “We were able to implement what FIFA had requested. We did not delay in implementing what was required. We convened an emergency general assembly to approve the new regulations and sent it to FIFA for approval.”

He continued: “My colleagues and I had no ambition to continue for a period longer than that set by the International Federation of Football Associations, and we are not fans of presidents, and I wish the next success.”
