Home Sport | “Unfollow Ramadan Sobhi” … the most discussed on “Twitter”


08:34 PM | Wednesday 09 September 2020

Ramadan Sobhi

The hashtag “Unfollow Ramadan Sobhi” was posted on the short tweet site “Twitter” during the campaign launched by Al-Ahly fans against the former player of the team after moving to the Pyramids ranks.

The hashtag “unfollow Ramadan Sobhi” became the most widely spread in Egypt through the short tweets site in a few hours, following the official Pyramids announcement that included the former red giant player the day before yesterday.

The “hashtag” # Turki_Queh_We lose it_ has been issued by the Twitter site, during the last hours, coinciding with the comment of Turki Al Sheikh, president of the General Entertainment Authority of Saudi Arabia, about the departure of Ramadan Subhi, the Former Al-Ahly player, in the ranks of the Pyramids.

The number of tweets, a few hours after its appearance, reached 43,000 tweets.

Al-Sheikh, the former honorary president of Al-Ahly, sent a mysterious message after Pyramids announced the formal contract with Ramadan Sobhi, hailing from Huddersfield, England, where he wrote through his personal account on the social media site ” Facebook “:” When your fence is short, you are openly … they lost me. ” What boy did they lose? “
