Home Sport | They say … Bannon in Al-Ahly and the fate of Al-Balayli and the archive of the end of the century Club


08:47 AM | Tuesday 15 September 2020

They say ... Bannon in Al-Ahly and the fate of Al-Balayli and the archive of the end of the century Club

Badr Bannon is Raja’s player

“Dicen” … a news service that provides “Al Watan Sport” to its fans every morning, during which it reviews the most prominent statements of sports stars on television shows, and their handling of many archives.

Badr Bannon is a player for Al-Ahly

Journalist Anwar Choucair spoke on the Moroccan championship website about the details of the transfer of the Moroccan defender from Raja Badr Bannon to the Al-Ahly club, noting that he became a player in the Egyptian Al-Ahly team, after signing his transfer contracts today, Monday, to the Red Castle.

“Badr Bannon has become a player in the ranks of Al-Ahly of Egypt. The term of the contract will be between three and four years, provided that it is worth 5 million dollars, including the salary of the player with Al-Ahly” Choucair added in statements to the Tala fan program. Details of the news here

Financial compensation is an obstacle to the Al-Blayli deal

Hafeez Blayli, father of Algerian player Youssef Al-Belayli and his agent, confirmed that Saudi player Al-Ahly Jeddah wants to continue with his team and has no intention of leaving, despite Al-Ahly’s negotiations to join him, that they stopped by the economic return.

Hafeez said about the player’s negotiations with the Al-Ahly club in remarks to the “Al-Diwaniyah” program on the Saudi Sports Channel: “There is a mediator who contacted me and made me an offer from Al-Ahly of Egypt. to include Youssef Al-Blayli, and we began negotiations for the transfer of the player on loan, and the management of Al-Ahly Jeddah initially agreed.Then I withdrew and decided to sell only the player contract and not allow the loan. We also failed to reach a material agreement with Egypt’s Al-Ahly during negotiations in recent days. ” Details of the news here

Zamalek finishes preparing the file of the Century Club

The Zamalek Club President confirmed that the White Castle management has prepared the file for the Century Club title case, for the purpose of forwarding it to the foreign attorney handling the case.

The president of Zamalek said, during statements to the Zamalekawi program, that the file will be presented to the club’s board of directors in the next few days, to be sent to the lawyer who will contact the International Football Association “FIFA” and begin to take serious steps. Details of the news here
