Home Sport | Source: Death threats to members of the Zamalek Committee … the secret of Nightingale’s resignation from Zamalek


6:53 PM | Monday 07 December 2020

Source: Death threats to members of the Zamalek Committee ... the secret of Nightingale's resignation from Zamalek

Abdel Halim Ali, director of football in Zamalek

A source close to Abdel Halim Ali, Zamalek club soccer director, confirmed that Al-Andalib and Ayman Younis, head of the soccer committee in Zamalek, and supervisor Qassem, the general supervisor of the soccer team in Zamalek Club, are being threatened with death in text messages on their mobile phones, by the followers of Mortada Mansour, president of Zamalek. The isolated “according to the source”.

The source added, in exclusive statements to “Al-Watan Sport,” that the trio received about 4,600 calls and 2,000 threatening messages and insulted and slandered supporters of isolated supporters on their mobile phones.

The source indicated that Abdel Halim Ali preferred to resign and walk away from what is currently happening in Zamalek, noting that he does not want to work in an environment such that it does not help to succeed, explaining that he had to turn off his mobile phone and disappear from sight and not respond to all until the matter is finally resolved. .

The counselor Mohamed Attia, a member of the temporary management committee of the Zamalek club, presented his resignation to the Minister of Youth and Sports, refusing to continue this mission for various reasons.

Abdel Halim Ali, director of football, also resigned, due to the crises he had suffered in recent days.

“Al-Watan Sport” learned that the crisis started with the signing of Ahmed Al-Sheikh, a former Al-Ahly player, to play contracts for Zamalek.

The crisis worsened after the technical committee ruled out the idea of ​​hiring Amir Adel to intervene in conflicts, and Ayman Yunus left the club after learning that “Attia” had a session with Ferjani’s agent and is individually without rights.

On the other hand, Abdel Halim’s resignation occurred due to lack of respect for his contract with Amir Adel, mainly because it was he who did this and believes that there is individual work and the club did not benefit at all.
