Home Sport | Al-Ahly resolved the Al-Blayli and Bannon agreements and announcement in a matter of hours.


10:17 AM | Thursday 17 September 2020

Al-Ahly resolved the Al-Blayli and Bannon agreements and announcement in a matter of hours.

Youssef Blayli is a player from Ahly Jeddah

Moroccan and Algerian newspapers highlighted the evolution of the Al-Ahly club’s negotiations to close the deal with the duo, Youssef Blayli of Al-Ahly Jeddah, and Badr Bannon, Raja Casablanca player, during the current summer transfer season, after to become one of the main objectives of the Swiss Rene Fyler, coach of Red Genie.

According to the Algerian newspaper “Ducor Sports”, Bliley is expected to arrive in Cairo in the next few hours, no later than Friday, to go through the medical examination stage and sign his adhesion contracts, a step that precedes the official announcement of the agreement.

Al-Ahly ends his agreements to join Bliley and Bannon

Al-Ahly has reached the last stage in the recruitment journey with Blailey, provided the Algerian signs contracts for his incorporation into the Red Genius Brigade, for a period of two years, with a contract ending in 2022, to become the third summer agreements, according to the daily Al-Mukhtab. “.

The newspaper indicated in its report, that Al-Ahly has also reached the final stages of the Badr Bannon deal, provided it is officially announced in the next few hours, to complete the three deals, with the union of the duo Bannon and Blayly, together with Taher Mohamed Taher, who announced that the red giant will officially join him. Coming from the ranks of the Arab contractors.
