Hisham Yakan: Farouk Jaafar’s statements do not come from a “little boy”


Hisham Yakan, the star of the Zamalek club and former Egyptian national team, criticized Farouk Jaafar’s remarks about the courtesy of Egyptian clubs during the era of African rulers in Egypt in the 1980s.

Yakan said in a statement on the “Ontime Sports 2” screen: “It had never happened before that was courtesy of the referees, and if that happened then it is normal due to the referee’s fear of the fans.”

He continued: “If there is courtesy from the refereeing, then this is normal. There were matches that we suffered outside of our stadium, such as the Cannon Yaounde match when the referee awarded two penalties that are not correct.”

He continued: “In the Jorma Haya match, the penalty was repeated twice, and this also happened against Nigeria. Farooq Jafar’s speech is completely rejected because the goal is to please someone.”

He continued: “Farouk Jaafar’s statement is not issued by a small child, and if courtesy is given in some matches, the opposing team will be courtesy at home.”

He explained: “The aim of Farouk Jaafar’s statements is to cancel previous tournaments to test the 21st century championships.”

He finished: “I managed two African championships by beating ASEC in Ivory Coast and then Kotoko, so where’s the courtesy?”

It’s worth noting that Farouk Jaafar sparked a state of controversy last July after it was revealed that some Egyptian clubs were being courtesy of African referees. (See details)
