Hisham Hatab: The suspension of the Zamalek Council is a final matter, even if he wins the appeal against the minister.


Hisham Hatab, President of the Olympic Committee, confirmed that the decision to suspend the Zamalek Council headed by Councilor Mortada Mansour for a period of 4 years by the Ministry of Sports is an irreversible decision. Hatab said in a televised statement on “Ontime Stadium” with the media, Saif Zaher: Zamalek List. Mamdouh Abbas presented a case and demanded the Olympic Committee to cancel it and win the case and we appealed against this ruling, just as Zamalek appealed and the appeal suspends the implementation, and in the event that the Center for Arbitration and Arbitration decides to cancel the list, the failure will be executed and we will return to the previous list.

He added: Any annulment of a law that does not annul its previous effects, and ordinary courts cannot resort to it in this matter, but Zamalek’s appeal was based on the minister’s decision, and in this matter the administrative court can be appealed because it represents the state, but we have the minister not litigating.

Eng. Hisham Hatab added that the Egyptian Sports Law, the Olympic Charter, the Egyptian Olympic Committee Regulations and the Code of Ethics have been implemented to deal with complaints filed against the former president of the Zamalek Club, and the Olympic Committee Egyptian has taken formal and legal action regarding the powers of the Egyptian Olympic Committee in complaints filed against the club president. Former Zamalek Regarding economic matters and what is dictated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in which it has dealt, according to its powers, with numerous clubs and sports federations.

Eng. Hisham Hatab pointed out that the decision of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee to suspend the former president of the Zamalek Club for a period of four years has become final because he did not give the official appeal procedures in accordance with the legal dates established, and the decision against him became final..

The head of the Egyptian Olympic Committee explained that there is a letter from the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) about the Zamalek club and the decisions issued during the current period, and the Egyptian Olympic Committee responded in accordance with the regulations, laws and the Olympic Charter because all the steps taken were with reasons and documents..

Eng. Hisham Hatab highlighted in his statements all the respect and appreciation for Zamalek Club, its fans and its members because it is one of the largest and most important sports castles in Egypt, and what happened was with the former president of Zamalek and not with the Zamalek club, and there must be a complete separation between a decision issued against a person who violated all regulations and laws. Presenting numerous complaints against him and between the Zamalek club entity, which was not affected by all the decisions handed down against the former club president, and the Zamalek club entity remains and continues and has all the support. .

He concluded: Hassan Mustafa was seriously injured, although he did not interfere at all in the case of the Zamalek club, preferring to be completely away from the matter.
