His father was a car salesman and was called “America’s happy warrior.” Who is Joe Biden?


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After winning the 2020 US elections, in the following lines we include the biography of Joe Biden, the 46th president in the history of the United States of America.


Joe Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on November 20, 1942, to an Irish Catholic family.

Biden is 78 years old, and with his victory announced today, he is the oldest president in the history of the United States. His father was a car salesman, but when he entered the state at a difficult time in the 1950s, he lost his job.

When he turned 13, he moved his family to Delaware, and there Joe Biden built his political future, studying law at the University of Delaware and Syracuse University.

Political life

Biden entered politics early in the year, in 1972, when he ran for a seat in the United States Senate and was one of the youngest senators in history, and from 1973 to 2008, Biden remained in the Senate as representative of Delaware, in six successive states. , Before becoming vice president of former US President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2017.

From 1973 to 2009, Biden offered a distinguished career in the Senate. During his time in the Senate, Biden was respected as a leading foreign policy expert.

He served as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee for several years. His many foreign policy positions included advocating for strategic arms reduction with the Soviet Union, promoting peace and stability in the Balkans, expanding NATO to include the former Soviet bloc countries, and opposing the First Gulf War.

In the years that followed, he called for American action to end the genocide in Darfur and spoke out against the administration of former President George W. Bush in the Iraq war, especially opposing the 2007 troop surge.

Biden is taken as his vote in 2003 for the Iraq war, and his presidency of controversial hearings in 1991 accused attorney Anita Hill, Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, of sexual harassment.

Biden was also a staunch advocate of the 1994 crime-fighting law that many leftists say now promotes lengthy sentences and mass incarcerations.

vice president

In the end, Obama elected him to the vice presidency, calling him “America’s happy warrior.”

Under Obama, Biden served as Obama’s aide on defense files that included war, foreign affairs, and internal affairs such as gun control and fiscal policy, as well as the stimulus package and reforms enacted in response to the 2008 financial crisis.

However, Obama did not always follow Biden’s advice. Obama has given the green light to the 2011 raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, despite Biden’s warning that it was too risky.

White House

Biden tried to get to the White House twice, the first in 1987 but withdrew after admitting that he had stolen a letter from the British Labor Party leader at the time, Neil Kinnock, and on the second try in 2008, but he was no better. as he retired after earning less than one percent. Votes in Iowa caucuses.

He announced his candidacy for the third time in 2019, but unlike previous attempts in 1987 and 2008, he entered the race for the Democratic Party nomination as the luckiest and most well-known candidate in this field.

In announcing his candidacy last year, Biden said that Trump’s presidency had tested “everything in America,” its core values, its democracy and its place in the world, and that he would fight for “the soul of this nation.” .

From the past

his personal life

Biden’s private life has seen many difficult and tragic situations, from the death of his daughter and wife in an accident, to the death of his son years ago, to the addiction of his son Hunter.

Biden married his first wife, Nelia Biden, with whom he had a son (Naomi) and two children (Beau and Hunter). In 1972, Biden was in a terrible accident when he lost his wife Nelia and daughter Naomi in a car accident on Christmas Day, and the two children were injured.

Biden met his second wife, teacher Jill Jacobs, in 1975, Jill was about to divorce her first husband when she met Biden, who is eight years older than her, and they married two years later, and she gave him a daughter, Ashley, in 1981.

Jill Biden took on the role of Second Lady in 2009 when her husband became Vice President Barack Obama, participated in high-profile events with First Lady Michelle, and developed her style of public speaking.

Poe followed his father into politics and became Delaware’s attorney general, but death caught up with him in 2015, at the age of 46, to halt the career of a rising Democratic star who died of brain cancer.

The other son, “Hunter,” suffered from alcohol and drug addiction, and was discharged from the United States Navy in 2014 after testing positive for cocaine.

Despite being called “middle-class joe”, Biden is actually a millionaire. Since Biden left public life, his income has skyrocketed thanks to lucrative book deals and sponsored tours.

Biden and his wife have earned more than $ 15 million, according to financial documents released in 2019.

In the same year, Forbes reported that Biden’s fortune included “two Delaware homes worth $ 4 million, cash and investments of another $ 4 million or so, and a federal pension of more than $ 1 million.”

Biden’s first book, which tells the story of his son Beau’s death from cancer, topped the bestseller lists for a time in 2017. He and his wife also worked on two other book projects.

Biden received $ 540,000 as a professor at the Ben Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania.

In September 2020, Biden released his 2019 tax return, which showed that he and his wife paid more than $ 346,000 in federal taxes and other payments for 2019 on nearly $ 985,000 in income before Biden recovered nearly $ 47,000. with the US government.

Health condition

According to the most recent publicly released medical evaluation by Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, at the end of 2019, Biden was “a healthy and energetic 77-year-old man” fit to carry out the duties of the presidency successfully.

The report stated that Biden’s height is 181cm, his weight is 80kg, and his blood pressure is 128/84.

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