Hind Sabri announces her recovery from Corona … and responds to criticism of her participation in the mummy parade


The artist, Hend Sabry, revealed that she was infected with the new Corona virus, explaining that she has been subjected to a period of home isolation for some time, and is awaiting her recovery in a few days to re-photograph her works of art.

Posted by Hend Sabry
Posted by Hend Sabry

Hind Sabry confirmed his great joy at participating in the international event “Transfer Royal Mummies” from the Egyptian Museum of Tahrir to the place of its permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, denouncing those negative comments that criticized its use in the global event. , because they are not Egyptians from father to grandfather, as he wrote in Blogging through his account on the social network site “Facebook”, “I accepted a torrent of criticism, objections and comments about my participation in the event of the transfer of mummies real, so clarification was required. “

She added: “I wrote proud of my participation in this great event. Whoever has worked hard and decided that I am alone, is it legal to have an event with this historical majesty that everyone expects due to its superimportance, in which artist participates? … and if it is an artist, is it really possible that it is? She is not Egyptian, from father to grandfather “, and continued:” This event is attended by the main stars of Egypt, and many of them have published as the one that I published, and their participation is much greater than mine, and this is a natural and recognized matter and there is no discussion about it. “

The Tunisian artist added: “I am proud to participate in a very small part together with the main stars of Egypt, and I expressed my love for her with this participation, who understood the opposite is still the intention that understands a mistake and tries to reduce the value of your great civilization with its racism and narrow thinking. “

It is worth mentioning that the unique event that the world awaits with the transfer of 22 royal mummies, the details of which are found at the exit of the mummies at night from the main door of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, then they will be transported in carts. designed in the pharaonic style and on top of them glass boxes to keep the mummies.

Before the convoy moves, 21 shots are fired into the air, then the cars exit one after another from the museum door in a circular motion to exit through the main door of the external museum to go to Tahrir Square and turn around the obelisk, after which Tahrir Square and the obelisk and surrounding buildings are illuminated, then the procession proceeds along the Nile River.
