“Health”: update of the treatment protocol for people with Corona to include new, more effective drugs


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The Ministry of Health and Population announced, this Tuesday, the launch of the scientific webinar of the scientific committee to combat the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19), under the sponsorship of Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, to present the protocol updated for the treatment of Coronavirus in its fourth edition.

The webinar was chaired by Dr. Husam Hosni, Chairman of the Committee for the Fight against New Corona Virus, in the presence of members of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Mustafa Ghanima, Head of the Clinical Medicine Sector, Dr. Muhammad Fawzi Al- Souda, President of the General Authority of Hospitals and Educational Institutes of the Ministry of Health, and several leaders of the Ministry and agents of the Ministry of Health, and several of consultants and doctors of various medical specialties, at the Princess Fatima Academy of Professional Medical Education.

Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and official spokesperson for the ministry, explained that the webinar is part of a series of scientific meetings to exchange and transfer experiences with medical teams and introduce them to the latest treatment protocols. Corona virus, to familiarize them with everything new about it.

“Mujahid” indicated that more than 11 thousand doctors participated in the webinar from various countries of the world through “videoconferencing” technology, in order to learn about the Egyptian experience against the emerging corona virus, and during the webinar activities they they answer all questions from doctors about the new protocol and ways to deal with it. Those infected with the new Corona virus,

For his part, Dr. Hussam Hosni, President of the Scientific Committee to Face the Coronavirus, during his speech at the opening session of the Webinar, thanked Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health, for his efforts to face the emerging coronavirus pandemic and for their full support to the Scientific Committee to achieve the best protocols for the treatment of the virus. Corona, and thanked the medical teams, especially those who work in intensive care departments, for their effort in caring for patients and following up-to-date treatment protocols to achieve the best results.

The president of the Scientific Committee reviewed the updated protocol for the treatment of the emerging corona virus in its fourth version, which is a national action aimed at achieving the best results in the treatment of people with the virus, explaining that the update of the protocol includes the adoption of new drugs more effective in treating the infected, and the protocol also includes a new division of disease cases as well as risk factors for cases of HIV infection, in addition to updating oxygen support devices to reduce the use of fan support devices.

He added that Egypt has managed to face a virus since the beginning of the pandemic, taking all precautionary measures and providing all the necessary capacities of medical supplies, medicines and diagnostic devices for the injured, indicating that the treatment protocol for the emerging coronavirus It is standardized and used in all hospitals, indicating that the cure rates are increasing. For cases of coronavirus in Egypt, the need not to be complacent in following precautionary and preventive measures is emphasized so as not to increase infections with the emerging coronavirus.

Through a recorded speech, Dr. Mohamed Hassani, Undersecretary of Health for public health initiatives during the webinar, reviewed the measures taken by the Ministry of Health to confront the virus, the effectiveness of the diagnosis and treatment protocols followed by the Egyptian experience, and the isolation mechanism of cases infected by the virus.

The webinar activities include discussion sessions during which members of the Scientific Committee to Combat Coronavirus and several high-level Egyptian consultants in various medical specialties review their scientific and practical experiences in treating cases infected with the emerging corona virus, as well as answering several questions about the new protocol.

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