He was hastily buried and his family’s last visit forbidden. New fighter from Iran


Source: Dubai – Arabia.net

The case of the execution of the Iranian fighter Nawid Afkari, which many human rights organizations around the world and countries have called to condemn her, continues to interact amid Iranian activists and local media revealing new information about her.

Iranian media reported Saturday night that the Iranian authorities had allowed the burial of the young fighter’s body in the village of “Singer” in the southern province of Fars, in a hurry, amid strict measures.

The reformist website “Sahham News” confirmed that the burial of Naveed’s body took place on Saturday night under strict security measures in the village.

Whereas, Hassan Yonsei, the young man’s lawyer, also revealed that he was denied the last visit to his family, and said: “They were in a hurry to implement the ruling to the extent that they denied him even the last visit to his family.”

He also added that, according to Iranian law, “the convicted person has the right to see his family one last time before his execution,” and asked if the authorities concerned are “in a hurry to implement the sentence to the point that Naweed be deprived of that last visit. “

International shock

Notably, Iran announced on Saturday the execution of the death sentence against Naid Afkar, the fighter who was convicted of killing a government employee on the sidelines of “riots” in the summer of 2018, despite pleas to prevent it. , in a move that “shocked” the International Olympic Committee.

Afkarari, 27, was arrested in September 2018 on charges of stabbing a government official to death in the southern city of Shiraz in Iran’s Fars province the previous month.

And his case came to light earlier this month, with the confirmation of a death sentence for having convicted him of first-degree murder.

On Saturday, Iranian state television announced that the authorities carried out the ruling.

The website of the Arab News and Television Agency quoted the Fars governorate prosecutor Kazem Mousavi as saying that the “retaliation” verdict against my ideas had been implemented on Saturday morning in the Adel Abad prison in the Shiraz city.

The Judicial Authority’s Mizan Online website had previously reported that my ideas had been condemned for the “premeditated murder” of Hassan Turkman, an official of the Shiraz Water Authority, by stabbing him on August 2, 2018.

Like many other cities, Shiraz that day was the scene of demonstrations against the authorities in protest of the economic and social situation.

The “supplications” did not bear fruit

Commenting on the execution of my thoughts, the Olympic Committee stated that they are “very sad” and “shocked by this announcement.”

“We regret that the calls from athletes around the world, all the behind-the-scenes actions of the International Olympic Committee, with the Iranian Olympic Committee, the International Wrestling Federation and the Iranian Wrestling Federation, have not achieved their goal,” he added. it’s a statement.

The committee also revealed that its German president, Thomas Bach, had made “direct personal appeals to the Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) and Iranian President (Hassan Rouhani) this week, asking Naid for clemency for my thoughts, respecting the sovereignty of the Republic. of Iran “.

The Swiss-based “World Players Federation” on Tuesday asked the International Olympic Committee to warn Iran of the possibility of “excluding itself” from the Olympic movement if the decision is implemented.

In turn, the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, condemned this “brutal” execution. “It is a flagrant attack on human dignity, even by the sordid standards of this regime,” he wrote on Twitter.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, was one of the most prominent defenders of the non-implementation of the ruling. He wrote on Twitter this month: “I learned that Iran is preparing to execute a major wrestling superstar, Naid Afkari (27 years old), and all he did was participate in an anti-government demonstration,” adding: ” I tell the Iranian leaders that I would be very grateful if you would save this life. You did not execute the young man. Thank you. “

Furthermore, Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Lindh expressed her “shock” and added via “Twitter” that “Sweden and the rest of the European Union always affirm the right to proper (judicial) procedure and oppose to the application of the maximum penalty (death) in any circumstance and in all situations. Cases without exception “.

Iran … second in the world in executions

It is noteworthy that the topic of my ideas has occupied the Iranian street and hundreds of activists in recent days, and social networks have been filled with messages asking the Iranian authorities not to carry out the death sentence, especially after information Press reports published abroad reported that my thoughts were condemned by confessions extracted under torture.

His case on Instagram also had the support of various Iranian and foreign figures who demanded the abolition of the punishment imposed on him.

The hashtag #Need_Afkari has been spread on communication sites recently, accompanied by calls for clemency, or at least for the suspension of the implementation of the ruling.

According to the human rights organization Amnesty International, Iran is reported to be the second country in the world, after China, on the list of countries with the most executions of the death penalty.

Last year, the Iranian authorities carried out the death penalty for at least 251 convicts.
