He suffered a health crisis at the hospital … Dalia Al-Beheiri’s father died of coronavirus?


Wrote: Hassan Al-Hinai

News among the public and social media leaders circulated the news of the death of engineer Mahmoud Qutb Al-Buhairi, father of star Dalia Al-Beheiry, as a result of the new Corona virus after entering the hospital.

A relative of the artist, Dalia Al-Beheiry, explained that the cause of death was not the Corona virus, but the issue completely contradicts that matter, stating that engineer Mahmoud Al-Buhairi entered the hospital two days ago, adding that Those who spread these rumors point to the trend and the pursuit of fame, refusing to reveal any. Another fact.

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The death of Dalia Al-Beheiri's fatherThe death of Dalia Al-Beheiri’s father

Ashraf Zaki said in a special statement to the “People of Egypt”: “Yes, indeed, Dalia Al-Beheiri’s father died, and the funeral is between dinner and sunset at the Al-Siddiq Mosque in Masaken Sheraton.”

Artist Ahmed Farid announced the death of Mahmoud Qutb Al-Buhairi, father of artist Dalia Al-Beheiri, a few minutes ago, after a struggle with the disease, and the funeral and burial place will be decided in the next few hours.

The death of Dalia Al-Beheiri's fatherThe death of Dalia Al-Beheiri’s father

The artist Ahmed Farid wrote, through his account on the social network Facebook, saying: To remain God, my beloved and my second father, the engineer Mahmoud Al-Buhairi, the father of my sister, passed away at the mercy of Almighty God. , the artist Dalia Al-Buhairi, we ask you to pray.

The death of Dalia Al-Beheiri's father

Mahmoud Qutb Al-Buhairi, father of artist Dalia Al-Beheiri, suffered a health crisis, as a result of which he was admitted to the hospital, leaving his soul from our world and lying underground.

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