He started his career in an embarrassing situation and apologized for writing “The Emperor” … the highlights of Wahid Hamid’s career


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“Terrorism and skewers”, “half foot”, “I tell you Shahrazad”, “The world on the wing of a dove”, “The dancer and the politician”, and other works through which the late writer Wahid Hamed He knew how to write his artistic history of more than 40 years, choosing personalities From the Egyptian street, he is embodied by a series of stars closer to the heart of the public, which allowed him to address all segments of society.

Wahid Hamed was born in 1944 in the center of Minya al-Qamh in Sharkia governorate, studied at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts and graduated there. “And the series” Group 3 “that was not shown, and Waheed Hamed left today, Saturday, after suffering a heart attack, at the age of 77.

“Al-Masry Al-Youm” lists the most outstanding stations of his artistic life.

How did you talk about the only role you played?

Wahid Hamed recounted the details of the only role he played as an actor in one of his most important and audience-related films, which is “Playing with Adults”, explaining that it came by chance.

“Hamed” said in a previous interview on the “With You Mona El Shazly” program, broadcast on the channel “cbc” and hosted by Mona El Shazly, “I was by chance in the studio during the filming of the movie, and there was a scene of Adel Imam sitting in a cafe, and the team was looking for a scout. To join him playing backgammon during the cutscene.

The star, Adel Imam, offered to play the role: “What do you think, Waheed? You’re the one who would sit across from me and roll the dice and say Hassan Almighty, I play ten tables for you.”

He denied playing the role despite its small size to save twice the salary, noting that he had experimented with acting while repeating the phrase more than ten times until the scene came out acceptably.

How did you strengthen your strong relationship with art stars?

Wahid Hamed is one of the most prominent writers who left his mark on the hearts of artists, and he knew that he had very special and unique relationships with several of the brightest stars of his generation, as well as with subsequent generations, and some may wondering how a person achieved this without having a little disagreement with one of them.

“We were originally a generation and very close to some culture.” This is how the late writer responded about how he maintained a good relationship with stars such as Ahmed Zaki, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and Adel Imam, explaining that there was mutual friendship between them.

He said during his encounter with the program “Happening in Egypt” broadcast by the channel “mbc Egypt” and presented by the journalist Sherif Amer, “I did not enrage anyone, and therefore none of them enraged me, even the differences that were happening between us quickly ended, “indicating that the element of competition did not happen. Between them, any disagreement, “The success of others made us happy, which was a bonus.”

How were the characters in your movies real?

A long artistic career, during which he presented more than 80 works between film and television, how he managed to collect them from the ground without the help of characters from his imagination.

“Hamed” revealed during a previous interview that all the characters in his films are real. “The characters were real, even if they were fake, so they wouldn’t have gotten the love and sympathy of the people.”

And about how he chose those characters, he explained: “I am the son of the street, and before the street I was a son of a simple town and my father was a simple farmer,” and added: “I grew up in the town, then in the city, then in the community. She made me contact people because I live among them and I never left them. “

He added: “If I used to work in front of the Nile, this is my habit while I write, but outside of working hours, I go to the streets and deal with people closely.”

How did Mohammed Abdul Halim Abdullah bring you out of despair?

“If it hadn’t been for this nice touch, I would have become someone else.” With these expressions, Waheed Hamed expressed his gratitude to the people who extended a helping hand to him at the beginning of his career.

And he relates: “One day at the beginning, I was reading a story in a seminar in the story club, and during my reading, one of the critics publicly criticized me with harsh criticism, stating that I could not bear anything in writing and that I should stay away of it ”. .

He added in his interview with Sherif Amer: “I swear to God, I was waiting for the symposium to end, to be able to take the first Qatar to return to my country, never to return.”

Suddenly Muhammad Abdel Halim Abdullah, who was the club’s secretary at the time, also defended the story publicly and kept mentioning its benefits, rewarding him for going on a trip organized by the club for free. “Then hope started seeping back into me,” Hamed says, adding, “Blood started coming out of me.”

Details of his apology for the writer of the series “The Emperor”

Wahid Hamed spoke during a previous interview with the details of his apology for writing the series “The Emperor”, which deals with the biography of the late star Ahmed Zaki.

“Hamed” said while hosting the “Ninth” program with journalist Wael Al-Ibrashi, that he received a phone call from director Mohamed Sami and did not know he was with Muhammad Ramadan at the time, and offered to write a biography of Ahmed Zaki to discuss it in an artistic work.

He explained: “I told him that I was linked to writing the third part of the Al-Jamaa series, so Muhammad Ramadan gave me to talk to himself.” Ramadan offered him the details of the project, but made it clear that he did not have time.

With the discussion continuing, the late writer asked Mohamed Ramadan to present the idea to Tamer Morsi and tell him his desire to participate in the writing of “Hamed”, “I told him that if Tamer Morsi, the teacher, said he works , the group did not, but he responded confirming that I am linked to the group series. “

He went on to say, “ I woke up on the day of Muhammad Ramadan’s meeting with Tamer Morsi and found him calling me, but I didn’t hear the phone, so I spoke to him emotionally when I saw the phone and he responded by explaining that he left the meeting and He’ll talk to me as soon as he gets home, ” adding that she didn’t speak to him until the moment he spoke. So far, I have not done clamench.

His opinion is that some actors reject bold scenes

During the controversy that the artist Youssef Al-Sharif raised after announcing his refusal to touch women or present daring scenes, Wahid Hamed expressed his opinion on this principle, saying: “I do not want to work for work, I will leave this.

“The decisive factor in this story is the approval of the written text by the author, as well as the director, as well as the production and censorship authority,” he said during his interview with Wael Al-Ibrashi, indicating that censorship is in charge to preserve the values ​​of the society and therefore the work is valid if it gets its approval.

“The actor has the right to accept or reject, but without rejecting his will in the work team through his request to make changes to the text,” he added.

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