Hazem Imam: Abdullah Al-Saeed is not Mahari and Jamal Hamza, characters that I played alongside


Hazem Imam, the star of Zamalek and the former Egypt team, revealed that he learned of his father’s death through some news and social websites, adding: He was on Zamalek’s technical staff at the time and received a Call from my mother, Dr. Maggy El Halawani, that my father was very ill, and I was in a technical conference with the players and then I went to the house, but The road was very crowded, and I was surprised by the news of death from my father on sports and social media websites, and as soon as I got home, I found out.

Hazem Imam continued in declarations to the game and the history program presented by Saif Zahir: “I had a close relationship with my father, Hamada Imam, and I always went with him to the stadiums and he had love and great popularity, and exchanged audiences with these feelings, emphasizing that his father’s popularity was greater than his in stages. “

Former Gamal Hamza member Jamal Hamza added “the characters” who played alongside him in Zamalek, because he is an excellent and distinguished player and has great skill, and was very saddened by his departure to the Al-Ahly club and what I declined, adding that there is more than one distinguished player in Egyptian soccer in terms of skill like Abdel Sattar Sabry, Mohamed Zidan and Mohamed Abu Trika.

Hazem Imam stated: “Now there is no skill player like the first and the only one nearby who is Abdullah Al-Saeed, the player of the Pyramids, but he does not have the ability” not to be distracted “like these ancient stars.
