Hassanein Hamza, elected masseur, dies after 40 years of service and accomplishments


The Egyptian Football Association announced this morning the death of captain Hassanein Hamza, masseur of the national team for almost 40 years, after a health crisis, leaving a great legacy of love for the entire family of the Egyptian Football Federation and your selections..

The great deceased is a witness to the achievements of Egyptian football, since he was a member of the medical apparatus of the Olympic team during the Olympic tournaments in Los Angeles 1984 and Barcelona 1992 and the first national team in the 1990 and 2018 World Cups, in addition to his participation in the national team with the achievement of four African Cups of Nations in 1998, 2006, 2008 and 2010..

The Egyptian Football Association, headed by Ahmed Mujahid, members of the board of directors, the executive director, heads and members of the federation committees, directors of departments, affiliates of the federation, its employees, and the technical bodies, Doctors and administrators of the national teams lament the great sadness of the deceased who was and will continue to be one of the prominent posters in the national teams, asking Almighty God to cover him with mercy. He will tear it down as the home of the righteous, and he will dwell in a spacious paradise and inspire us, his family and all his loved ones, a beautiful patience … and “We belong to God and to Him we will return.“.

